Example sentences of "in [det] [noun] for the first " in BNC.

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1 Yes I pick up on the comment from the , Notts are n't as in control as they were , after first Tony and then Paul got their names on the score sheet in each case for the first time this season , both with bristling finishing efforts and you 'd be a harsh critic indeed who did n't agree that Pisa deserved to pull one back because they played some fine attacking football , and it was the player who 's caused most danger , who 's wearing the number eleven that moved across to the right hand side , got clear of the defence , pulled back an absolutely brilliant clot cross and in the middle who 'd missed an earlier header on fifteen minutes to make it one one , did n't miss on this occasion .
2 He took in that fact for the first time ; in spite of his knowing job , he had a clownish naîveté about fate and always tended to be innocent of the possibility of calamity .
3 Some learn in this way for the first time about what goes on inside a university .
4 Several of the articles in this important collection produced over the last ten years and gathered together in this volume for the first time , focus particularly on ordinary femininity .
5 In the Dominican Republic , brewing of Guinness under licence commenced during the year , making the brand available in this market for the first time .
6 Large areas of western Scotland , mid- and North Wales and the upland zones of the North and South West of England have exhibited population gains , in some cases for the first time in over a century .
7 In the event of trouble , many of the non-union operators now would have easier access — in some cases for the first time — to the political system and its protective police arm .
8 In these texts for the first time we find ‘ precatory ’ being used to describe the essential nature of trusts , and as the key to discovering what legal institution is involved .
9 Another important feature of the election was the relatively weak showing of the extreme right-wing Republicans ( Republikaner ) , who gained seats in several councils for the first time but whose votes lagged far behind those obtained in the European elections in June 1989 and forecast in recent opinion-poll findings .
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