Example sentences of "in [noun sg] in the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A report in the Financial Times of April 21 , summarizing interviews with economic officials , said that the next stage in the Russian government 's economic reform programme would include a relaxation of tight controls on budget spending , in force in the first quarter of 1992 .
2 Stanley kept in contention in the first half of the game but came to grief on the 11th end when they dropped a five .
3 In Rugby Union , Chinnor and Swindon , they 'll be locked in combat in the first round of the Oxfordshire Courage floodlit Cup , and that match kicks off at the southern by-pass ground at seven fifteen .
4 If this were the case , the drop in population in the first half of the period could have been deeper and the subsequent recovery slower than existing replacement figures suggest .
5 This has fallen into disuse , having been used as a military hospital and to sleep troops in transit in the First World War , a Sunday school , a library , and up until five years ago a store for the church gardening equipment .
6 Most economists believe that the tighter squeeze on the economy would now lead to a more rapid deceleration in inflation in the first half of next year than had been expected before yesterday 's base rate increase .
7 They had invested in junk in the first place because of government policy , accounting for 7% of bonds outstanding at the end of 1988 .
8 Wednesday were twice in trouble in the first half — Woods doing well to tip over a Marcus Marin shot , and Nigel Worthington clearing a Witeczek header off the line .
9 ASK any hard-headed financier , and he will tell you that debt relief never works : public money given to help struggling debtor nations will end up in the hands of the lenders — the banks whose over-readiness to lend helped to land the debtors in trouble in the first place .
10 There may be a significant fall in volume in the first year or so , but while the third party suppliers to Technology may feel that they have no alternative but to withdraw their products , they look like being the net losers as a result , while ICL sheds crocodile tears all the way to the bank .
11 Productivity growth in manufacturing in the first quarter at 3.8 per cent was higher than the same period a year earlier , but down on the five per cent improvement in the final three months of last year .
12 This is revealed in the latest figures from Barclays Bank , which said that sterling 's 15 per cent devaluation and the 4 per cent fall in interest rates following the UK 's withdrawal from the exchange rate mechanism in September 1992 had led to a sharp increase in business confidence in manufacturing in the first quarter of 1993 .
13 In view of the rapid drop in morale in the first half of 1944 — with a short interruption in the first half of June — and the evidently growing unpopularity of the Nazi regime , the registered popular response to news of the plot against Hitler appears surprising .
14 Well certainly I mean this this whole initiative is something that I s just seemed to me when Philip got in touch in the first place , that that something that we ought to er be involved with .
15 I used to listen for hours about her girlhood in Sheffield : smoking out of the window ; the young soldier she visited in hospital in the First World War , who gave her his rosary and went off and was killed ; of her suitors ; the fuss surrounding her affair with my father , who was much older than her ( and already married , though this she never told me ) .
16 Some of the criticisms which are voiced by service planners and professionals when thinking about ordinary housing for long-term patients is that it is ‘ too expensive ’ , or that ‘ They ca n't cope on their own , ’ or that ‘ They 'll be affected by the same stresses and strains that put them in hospital in the first place . ’
17 It is the extraordinary manner in which the pathological imagery has simply been inverted so that it forms the basis of a pastoral view which asserts the strength and durability of black family life and , in present circumstances , retreats from confronting the difficult issues which result in black children arriving in care in the first place .
18 The dominant approaches in psychology in the first half of this century were summarised by Kammerer in 1940 as follows : Allen and Pearson ( 1928 ) had concluded , on the basis of case studies , that : Whilst the Adlerian Rudolf Dreikurs argued in 1948 that : Since then individual psychology and its therapeutically oriented offshoots have continued in this vein , and debated the degree and nature of pathology supposed to follow , directly or indirectly , from impairment .
19 Students take two units in English in the first year .
20 The move seemed intended to protect domestic supply — there had been a 25 per cent fall in production in the first half of 1991 [ see p. 38492 ] .
21 In this case , Brenda not only accommodates to her father 's language variety ( Standard English , in terms of syntax ) but actually echoes his words in agreement in the first part of her turn .
22 These subjects were dealt with in detail in the first part of the chapter and should be recognised as background knowledge relevant to nursing in relation to the AL of maintaining a safe environment , so are not discussed further .
23 In 1859 he passed first class in botany in the first examination for teachers organized by the Department of Science and Art , and this was his sole academic qualification .
24 This event would presumably precede the potentials being recorded and it could provide an explanation for the apparent referral back in time in the first set of experiments , although it does seem electrophysiologically unlikely that there could be a neural change happening sufficiently early after the triggering stimulus .
25 Why not give prisoners some reading material called Victim Life , about the suffering they inflicted on others in pursuit of the very ‘ unique needs and interests ’ that put them in prison in the first place ?
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