Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [to-vb] with the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The authorities also claimed that an ( unnamed ) foreign state had helped opposition members in exile to communicate with the conspirators , who had planned to seize Khartoum state and the principal towns of Eastern state .
2 In order to deal with the problems of budgeting for this it is necessary to know something of company financial and cost accounting .
3 In order to deal with the problems of budgeting for this it is necessary to know something of company financial and cost accounting .
4 Yes , Elizabeth Howell of Exploring Parenthood , certainly that is the case , both with parents and with people like teachers or child care workers , who are in locus parentis for many hours of the day , and our sense is very much that if the adults around children can feel supported and confident that they can acknowledge their own fears and anxieties that they will then be better be able to transmit that measured response to the children in their care and it was very interesting last week , I heard from an educational psychologist in the north of England who said that a group of teachers had asked from several schools to come together to think about the resources that they needed to set in place in order to deal with the children 's behaviour , and after the meeting , at which they were able to express their anxieties , they then returned to their various areas and when the psychologist contacted them a couple of days later they said we felt sufficiently supported by knowing that others are struggling with the same issues and that we could acknowledge our concerns about it , that we now feel able to get on with the job of helping the children , and I think that was a very good example of adults finding a way to acknowledge their own anxieties and thereby to increase their effectiveness in dealing with the children that in whose care they have .
5 A great deal has been said about the need to improve language skills in order to deal with the needs of trade and industry in the contemporary multi-lingual world .
6 Their living standards are dropping out of sight as governments ‘ adjust ’ their economies in order to cope with the debts .
7 It can help to give teachers an adequate conception of the communicative competence which children need in order to cope with the demands of modern life .
8 In order to cope with the demands of recording and analysing the United States ' census , Hollerith needed a way of automating the process .
9 As mentioned above , a comprehensive programme should be prepared for the whole job , but when the contractor is appointed he will prepare his own contract programme and there will inevitably be a need to adjust the surveyor 's programme in order to harmonise with the activities of the contractor .
10 Tomorrow we have to get up at 6.30 ( on a Sunday ! ) in order to go with the participants on the course to a commune outside Nanking , to do our ‘ Open-door Schooling ’ — Open-door Schooling is an essential part of the Chinese political philosophy of education — i.e. educational institutions have to have an open door and renew their contacts with industry and agriculture .
11 In the third and fourth bars the two flutes play in unison in order to balance with the oboes and clarinets .
12 In order to comply with the directions being given by Mr to our client to rearrange his finances , your client 's letter in May er a buyer came forward but that sale did not go ahead in which to put your finances in order .
13 VISCOUNT SIMONDS ( dissenting ) : It appears to me that , in order to comply with the provisions of section 8 and thus obtain its protection , there are three relevant conditions to be satisfied by the manufacturer of an article which would otherwise be an infringement of copyright .
14 5.22 Defective premises To give notice to the Landlord of any defect in the Premises which might give rise to an obligation on the Landlord to do or refrain from doing any act or thing in order to comply with the provisions of this Lease or the duty of care imposed on the Landlord pursuant to the Defective Premises Act 1972 or otherwise and at all times to display and maintain all notices which the Landlord may from time to time [ reasonably ] require to be displayed at the Premises The difficulty here is that this covenant could impose an unfair obligation on the tenant and it should therefore be amended as follows : To give notice to the Landlord upon becoming aware of any defect … 5.23 New guarantor Within [ 14 ] days of the death during the Term of any Guarantor or of such person becoming bankrupt or having a receiving order made against him or having a receiver appointed under the Mental Health Act 1983 or being a company passing a resolution to wind up or entering into liquidation or having a receiver appointed to give notice of this to the Landlord and if so required by the Landlord at the expense of the Tenant within [ 28 ] days to procure some other person acceptable to the Landlord [ such acceptance not to be unreasonably withheld ] to execute a guarantee in respect of the Tenant 's obligations contained in this Lease in the form of the Guarantor 's covenants contained in this Lease Although this may be perfectly fair and reasonable in that a guarantor 's covenants are expected to last during the period for which they are given , many tenants try to resist this covenant on the basis that it may be extremely difficult for the tenant to produce an alternative guarantor .
15 The great majority of nationals of the member state in question are resident and domiciled in that state and therefore meet that requirement automatically , whereas nationals of other member states would , in most cases , have to move their residence and domicile to that state in order to comply with the requirements of its legislation .
16 5.7.1 At the Tenant 's own expense to execute all works and provide and maintain all arrangements upon or in respect of the Premises or the use to which the Premises are being put that are required in order to comply with the requirements of any statute ( already or in the future to be passed ) or any government department , local authority other public or competent authority or court of competent jurisdiction regardless of whether such requirements are imposed on the lessor the lessee or the occupier
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