Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But why did the theories of feminism develop in response to them in the 1960s and not , say , in the 1930s when novelists cast an equally critical eye over women 's lives ?
2 Everything we say or write is connected both with things which have been said or written in the past , and with things which may be said or written in response to it in the future .
3 But Italy 's defence was in chaos without him in the dismal 2–2 draw with Switzerland in their opening qualifying tie and he changed his mind yesterday under pressure from his wife and Italian federation president Antonio Matarrese .
4 Visual information from neurons in these zones supplements that provided from the three semicircular canals and is distributed in parallel with it to the part of the brain that controls our balance , the cerebellum .
5 ‘ Since Patsy 's murder there has been a sea change in attitude towards us by the military , ’ said Alec , a 45-year-old Catholic who has worked for the MoD since before the Troubles .
6 And today the public have er returned their gesture in honour of me in the returning of the guilty verdict .
7 ( 2 ) Subject to para ( 3 ) ( below ) , the parties must make discovery by serving lists of documents and ; ( a ) subject to sub-para ( c ) , each party must make and serve on every other party a list of documents which are or have been in his possession , custody or power relating to any matter in question between them in the action ; ( b ) the court may , on application ; ( i ) order that discovery under this paragraph shall be limited to such documents or classes of documents only , or as to such only of the matters in question , as may be specified in the order , or ( ii ) if satisfied that discovery by all or any of the parties is not necessary , order that there shall be no discovery of documents by any or all of the parties ; and the court shall make such an order if and so far as it is of opinion that discovery is not necessary either for disposing fairly of the action or for saving costs ; ( c ) where liability is admitted or in an action for personal injuries arising out of a road accident , discovery shall be limited to disclosure of any documents relating to the amount of damages ; ( d ) the provisions of Ord 14 of these rules relating to inspection of documents shall apply where discovery is made under this paragraph as it applies where discovery is made under that Order .
8 Obviously it 'll not be done for the launch but he 's made a smart job of it it looks really smart done it in yellow , erm and really later on this week I 'm just tidying up , I 've got to go and see F I B just to make sure everything 's in place with them in the mounted section and really this time a week tomorrow it 'll be launched .
9 After TB was diagnosed , he stopped work immediately and hospital staff set about contacting the 500 children and 500 staff who he had been in contact with him in the weeks before he became ill .
10 I 'm in bondage to him to the tune of three hundred guineas which he 's squeezing me for , crushing me to death like a snake its prey . ’
11 I trailed along in back of her with the glasses .
12 If the driver claims this right and then fails to provide the specimen duly required under section 7(4) , the sanction for that failure will be the use in evidence against him of the breath specimen which , ex hypothesi , proves an excess of alcohol above the statutory limit and accordingly in such case there will be no need , though it may be theoretically possible , to prosecute for a failure to provide a specimen without reasonable excuse under section 7(6) .
13 It can be served on the person undertaking the activity , or on a person in control of it at the time the notice was served .
14 Provision for the effects of transfers of employees and liabilities in respect of them under the Transfer of Undertakings ( Protection of Employment ) Regulations 1981 and transfers of pension rights .
15 ‘ What he 's saying is that they play away quite happily , not realizing what 's in store for them in the rest of their lives .
16 Tutilo would be warned of what was in store for him by the end of Vespers , if not before .
17 I fell in love with him during the two years of filming .
18 He had not been serious , and although she had thought herself in love with him at the time he had known that it would be a mistake for them to marry — even if Burun , who was her father , had been prepared to permit such a thing .
19 Because you 've been crackers about Christopher , in love with him from the cradle .
20 With Keith , I fell head over heels in love with him from the first time we met , and I 'd only been going out with him two weeks and he asked me to get engaged .
21 I fell in love with it on the wall !
22 Has the position of the director changed in theatre for you over the years ?
23 The nursing home to which her husband has her committed after her eccentricity has become dangerous , and from which she and the other residents are eventually ejected to be cared for by an amorphous ‘ community ’ , might have been lying in wait for her from the day she was born .
24 Whatever Beryl believes or pretends to believe about her brother being mugged , he was in fact deliberately murdered by someone lying in wait for him on the scaffolding .
25 ‘ Well , anyway , ’ Lisabeth went on grumpily , ‘ she did ring and she wants you to get in touch with her at the local National Insurance office .
26 and somebody must try and get in touch with her in the evening if she 's not in .
27 It 's something that Niki plays down in his book , but I know from others who were in touch with him at the time , that the mental effort and courage required were tremendous .
28 I 'll get in touch with him after the weekend . ’
29 Information is available about members of National Associations , where they are , what they do and how to get in touch with them during the course of business travels .
30 Information is available about members of National Associations , where they are , what they do and how to get in touch with them during the course of business travels .
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