Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , however , the rise in money supply will eliminate the surplus .
2 In diagram ( a ) a rise in money supply will cause the rate of interest to fall from r 1 to r 2 .
3 Minor changes in sentence structure can affect the accuracy of recall .
4 Meanwhile , those engaged in child protection must consider the implications of the current position .
5 Mortgage tax relief is expected to cost the Exchequer £4.3 billion next year but the cut in tax relief will reduce the bill by £900 million in 1994/95 and £960 million in the following year .
6 Reducing the amount of travel , however , without a change in accident risk will reduce the number of casualties .
7 This variation in signal intensity may reflect the differences in the cell density of tissues that express the gene .
8 Thus expectations about policy will be determined by the process governing that policy , the ‘ policy regime ’ ; and changes in policy regime will alter the precise way in which people form their expectations about policy .
9 First , Phillips took little account of the degree of trade union militancy in deriving his relationship : according to the cost-push theories outlined in section 6.3 , an increase in union militancy will raise the rate of wage inflation independently of the state of demand .
10 Almost always it was underlain by a passionate feeling that genuine rights were being trodden underfoot , that the structure of custom and tradition by which all but a small minority of Europeans lived was being wantonly shaken , that any increase in government activity must threaten the subject .
11 Since autonomous expenditure helps determine the position ( intercept ) of the curve ( equation 10–35 ) , it is clear that an increase in government spending will shift the curve to the right .
12 Since the economy will tend automatically to its ‘ natural rate of unemployment ’ , any increase in government spending will increase the demand for money and so crowd out private spending through rising interest rates .
13 Further impending changes in government legislation may make the pressure experienced during the social security changes seem almost normal .
14 Hepatocyte function may also be affected indirectly during fibrosis ; recent research has shown that changes in matrix composition may reduce the size of fenestrae in endothelial cells .
15 Mrs Bessie Forde , then a member of the choir , recalls how any girl actively interested in church life could spend the week : Monday evening the Junior and Senior CE Societies ; Tuesday and Thursday evenings the GLB company , led by Mrs Waugh and Miss Mildred Forsythe , met regularly in Edenderry ) ; Wednesday the Midweek service ; Friday the choir practice and on Saturday a prayer meeting for the services on Sunday .
16 The growth in end-user computing will transform the way information is created and preserved .
17 It would be reasonable to guess ( although without corroborative evidence ) that landslides , gully and sheet erosion , and a general decline in soil fertility would affect the livelihood of poorer and small farmers more critically than the strongly surplus farmer in all areas .
18 Any rise in Bank Rate would induce the discount houses to raise their lending rates and this in turn would be reflected in the clearing banks ' interest rates .
19 Will this be based on historical precedent , or will a real effort be made to consider which investments in health care will give the best value for money ?
20 So , in theory at least , a 100 per cent variation in duty cycle will change the output voltage from zero to its maximum of V 1 .
21 Recent changes in arbitration law may have the effect of discouraging these disputes .
22 Changes in sea level may cause the swamp to be flooded and layers of sand to be deposited on top of the peat .
23 His thumb got stuck in wire binding used to bail the hay and was torn off .
24 In fact , a close consideration of work done in discourse processing would raise the possibility of even more radical accommodation .
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