Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [verb] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They assume that there is a trade-off between labour-augmenting and capital-augmenting technical progress , and that firms maximize the instantaneous rate of unit cost reduction ( i.e. firms are myopic , or are able to appropriate returns for only one instant ) This ‘ innovation possibility frontier ’ captures the notion of choice but leaves open a number of questions , notably the determination of its shape and location , which must in part result from the deliberate allocation of resources to research and development .
2 Some of these are essentially historical : the interest developed in part as a reaction or antidote to Chomsky 's treatment of language as an abstract device , or mental ability , dissociable from the uses , users and functions of language ( an abstraction that Chomsky in part drew from the post-Bloomfieldian structuralism that predominated immediately before transformational generative grammar ) .
3 In the 1918 General Election Liberal representation in parliament fell from the 272 of December 1910 to 151 .
4 Micrografx staff drew attention to themselves by wandering around in gear stolen from the Mexican extras in a spaghetti western .
5 I recognized some pirated recordings of Sade in cabaret coming from the upper floor and , louder , some mid-period John Coltrane from the living-room .
6 The short-term forces in question emanate from the political parties contesting the election and can be divided into three categories : the political context of the election , the candidates in the constituency and the standing in public opinion of the national parties and their leaders .
7 Most would like to see the auditor 's period away from the audit in question extended from the proposed two years ( which , as Touche Ross says , ‘ could lead to this guidance being perceived as a cosmetic exercise' ) , but can not agree over how long .
8 The damsel in question comes from the other side of the family — it 's Great-Grandma Rosenbloom , at age eighteen . ’
9 The SNS chairman Vitazoslav Moric , who on Oct. 25 had called for a civil disobedience campaign against the language law , was in consequence recalled from the Federal Assembly Presidium by the deputies on Nov. 26 .
10 Of greater concern was the decline in quality resulting from the increased inputs of pollutants by sewage works and industrial plants .
11 They vary considerably in size ranging from the magnificent Pontcysyllte Aqueduct on the Llangollen Canal ( over 300 metres long and 36 metres above ground level ) to the much smaller Engine Arm Aqueduct on the Birmingham Canal Navigations at Smethwick .
12 The grass was added in staccatto strokes from the angular corners of a selection of Polychromos Pastels , offering a tonal scale of green colour values .
13 But within the arts , and indeed within any one discipline or medium , one can distinguish the ‘ scholarly ’ emphasis on textual and historical accuracy from the more interpretative and responsive ‘ readings ’ , which in turn differ from the active , creative mode of ‘ doing ’ the arts .
14 That confiture d'oignons , for instance , for which the recipe appeared in Michel Guérard 's Cuisine Gourmande and which has since made the tour du monde surely derived from Pomiane 's dish of sweet-sour onions in which the sweetening elements were sultanas and pain d " épices , the spiced honey cake of central Europe , and which Pomiane had in turn borrowed from the Jewish cookery of his native Poland .
15 The new districts were very largely based on amalgamations of existing district authorities which in turn derived from the sanitary districts created in the mid-nineteenth century .
16 No matter what your business commitments , it is far more sensible to have one day at home in bed to recover from the worst of the virus than to struggle in to work , extending the recuperation period enormously and giving the virus to everyone else .
17 In music dating from the 11th century to the present day , each major festival in the church 's calendar was celebrated by the singers and instrumentalists of Musica Sacra , directed by Ann Pinhey .
18 The strength of bonding in diamond derives from the small size of the carbon atoms .
19 The train newly arrived on a European covered in dust blown from the Gobi Desert , or encrusted with salt spray from the Bosporus .
20 According to Lord Westbury , Handlist of Italian Cookery Books , Florence , 1963 , this work , attributed to Giovanni Rosselli , is in reality taken from the same Maestro Martino manuscript used in the earlier and better known De Honesta Voluptate by Bartolomeo Sacchi , printed in Venice in 1475 .
21 The later books have very much the air of contrived sequels , with young conspirators or princes in training cut from the same pattern and taking , one by one , the centre of a story , none of them capturing attention as the Stormy Petrel had done as a boy .
22 According to the Department of Industry Intermagnetics was offered £400 000 as a discretionary grant and has also received £100000 in training grants from the European social fund .
23 At the time he reached his last book , Human Knowledge , he had abandoned the claim that you could show that the world could be logically constructed out of sense experiences , and adopted a much more Kantian outlook , in which , while he erm said that all our inferences about the world must begin from sense experiences , all that the philosopher can do , is to make explicit the premises that are required in order to infer from the transitory data of my own experiences to the enduring existence of material things and the much more sophisticated kinds of existence which their minute constituents have .
24 The film recovers only in the brilliantly Hitchcockian scene when Michael , in a crowded theatre , pretends to believe that the blowing , twisting red ribbons behind a vindictive ballerina ( Tamara Toumanova ) really are the fire that they represent , and panics the whole crowd in order to escape from the secret police .
25 Jesus is the Messiah who must suffer and die in order to rise from the dead and return to establish God 's kingdom on earth .
26 Her old father was extricating himself from the front seat slowly , painfully , gasping , as though he had to push open a heavy coffin lid in order to rise from the dead .
27 It has put in it 's place , a , er a general purposes and finance sub- committee , this is this one referred to , it has not made allowances for who shall serve on it per county , all it did , it called it together very quickly , and to cut costs to authorities , it 's based the meetings in Bristol instead of Exeter , and it was suggested by the chairman of W R A D , that perhaps any volunteers coming onto it , erm , would in fact come from the surrounding counties .
28 The objection may be raised , " If what we are talking about in educational technology is not the promotion of AV aids but the cultivation of a systematic problem-solving attitude , why is it that so many self-styled educational technologists did in fact emerge from the audio-visual movement or related areas , and why is it that so much educational technology literature is concerned with the applications of audio-visual formats of one kind or another to learning development ? "
29 The original valuation regulation was , however , in fact derived from the 1950 Customs Cooperation Council Valuation Convention and this gave rise to a dispute referred to the European Court in the Massey-Ferguson case , as to the legitimacy of using Article 235 in these circumstances .
30 It is in fact derived from the Afrikaans wyd meaning wide , which refers to this species ' square upper lip , contrasted with the triangular lip of the other African so-called ‘ Black ’ Rhinoceros .
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