Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 or the State , everything was in effect handed over to the UndergrounD Group , under a new name .
2 These issues in turn relate back to the process of socialization , which , towards the end of the chapter , will be considered from a more general anthropological perspective , providing a bridge with the concerns of chapter 7 .
3 The words of the song in turn harked back to the noble deeds of the Germanic Saxons whose tribal name meant the men of the long knives .
4 This in turn referred back to the 1987 report of the World Commission on Environment and Development , commonly known as the Brundtland Commission after its chair , the then Norwegian Prime Minister , Mrs Gro Harlem Brundtland .
5 The biggest influence on this behaviour has probably been the large increase in wealth , which in turn boils down to the sharp rise in house prices .
6 In only moments the pursuers were in turn coming down to the ford , and in much more disciplined order , professional English cavalry-men , not mosstroopers .
7 ‘ It was hard in way handing over to the Prince of Wales Own Regiment — you wanted to carry helping to get aid through to people who so desperately needed it .
8 Each user has a unique username and a password which must be used in order to log on to the network .
9 This is done first by examining the analytics of the cost and demand sides , the subject of this chapter , and then concentrating more on the internal structure of the firm ( in chapter 3 ) , in order to move on to the question of efficiency .
10 They must be able to spot strengths and weaknesses and gaps in knowledge , not so as to compare pupils with each other , but in order to move on to the next stage , in the most effective way .
11 In order to move on to the second phase , further satisfactory and lasting progress towards real and monetary convergence will have to be achieved , especially as regards price stability and the restoration of sound public finances .
12 Pray for Ruth Zinn as she seeks the Lord 's will and gathers support in order reach out to the ‘ working ’ girls in Glasgow .
13 Despite one outburst from John Heard , there 's no attempt to explore another sinister possibility , that all men conceal their true identity in order to live up to the modern woman 's expectation of her ‘ dream man ’ .
14 This can be one time when a young writer has to compromise on some immediate ambitions in order to progress on to the next stage of securing a record deal or having artists cover his or her songs .
15 Some students were reduced to learning their work parrot-fashion in order to keep up to the standard , while at the same time lacking any real understanding of what they were taught .
16 Our bodies already use the muscles required to walk , so it is simply a question of increasing the duration and then the intensity of our walking in order to build up to the fitness level that we require .
17 Meanwhile the ‘ Lady Mayoress ’ kept gathering up her skirts and hitching up her bosom as ‘ she ’ jumped from the trap in order to dash up to the houses and implant a big kiss on the cheeks of the inhabitants .
18 And how far would you have to walk , in order to get back to the start of evolution on Earth ?
19 So in order to get back to the medieval level , we took it back down to there and we caused the to slope .
20 Your comment about the headship rates raise an interesting issue , in fact goes back to the comment Mr made , about the West Yorkshire and South Yorkshire who 've got a consistent approach in projecting .
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