Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [verb] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 In the 1918 General Election Liberal representation in parliament fell from the 272 of December 1910 to 151 .
2 Thus each days ' dosage remains homœopathic to the case as the slight increase in the health of the vital force is matched with the slight increase in potency caused by the five or six shakes of the bottle .
3 Blacks ' recent involvement in sport began in the 1950s and continued spasmodically through the next two decades , intensifying as the 1980s approached ; in the spheres in which they opted to compete , many achieved excellence .
4 A historical emphasis in biogeography prevailed during the 1960s in particular and is collectively described as Quaternary ecology by Simmons ( 1980 ) .
5 The reduction in interest broadly matched the increase in tax paid between the two years , so the net movement of funds from operations are a critical parameter for whether we 're really generating cash for new initiatives , significantly better at forty five point six million and this this excludes the proceeds of fixed asset disposals , so all in all we had pretty nearly sixty million cash free and clear .
6 Perhaps the most convincing indication of a dent in poverty is marketing information showing that the boom in consumer durables in the 1980s was by no means limited to the top 10% of the population .
7 Between them they turned Alfa Romeo into the biggest name in motor racing in the 1920s .
8 He became increasingly authoritarian and reliant upon the army , which in turn led to the eight years of Amin 's rule , the Tanzanian invasion , Obote 's second government and ultimately the civil war in which Museveni took power .
9 Parson 's interest in music began in the early-'70s , but his Bowie-fandom foundered at the Aladdin Sane gig at Earl 's Court in 1973 .
10 A significant development in church planting in the 1980s was within the Church of England , although in this case the growth was not without frustrations .
11 ‘ As a matter of policy , NatWest chose to shed market share in property lending in the late-1980s , but that did not protect us from bad debts .
12 For example , planners in China do not seem aware of the cohort structure their population might have in decades to come if the drastic reductions in fertility introduced in the 1970s are maintained for 20 or 30 years .
13 ITHINK if we are ever to see grand hokum in the Mac marketplace we 'll see it in the months ahead , as the M-word — multimedia — becomes the in thing to discuss in the 1990s .
14 Colleges wishing to participate were asked to indicate their intention by submitting a ‘ Request for Approval in Principle to Participate in the 1989 Pilot Programme ’ ( Form HN1 ) .
15 Federal action was concentrated in Slovenia in order to seal off the two breakaway republics from outside aid .
16 The gap between mortality rates for the two groups has in fact widened since the 1930s , when the rates were 10 per cent below the average for professional and managerial workers , and 11 per cent above for unskilled workers .
17 The houses were in fact built in the eighteen hundreds to a design by Sydney Smirke for Bethlem Hospital .
18 The original valuation regulation was , however , in fact derived from the 1950 Customs Cooperation Council Valuation Convention and this gave rise to a dispute referred to the European Court in the Massey-Ferguson case , as to the legitimacy of using Article 235 in these circumstances .
19 ] The National Association of Health Authorities ( NAHA , 1988 ) did in fact point to the two different concepts of the ‘ Internal Market ’ .
20 I felt that I had stepped back in time to share in the 400 year old ceremony in this charming village .
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