Example sentences of "in [noun pl] [is] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The cash all in coins is to go towards the £14,000 appeal to create a child protection suite in Darlington , where child abuse victims and women sex assault victims can be dealt with in a pleasant atmosphere .
2 In a study conducted in the 1960s , Rex and Moore ( 1967 ) argued that the shared desire of people living in cities is to move to the suburbs .
3 An alternative and equally fruitful approach to the study of power in organizations is to concentrate on the formal structure of authority and look for correspondence between this and patterns of social relations within the type of society in which the organization is located .
4 The threat in schools is posed by the degree of control which the executive is able to exert over the education of children , or rather by the possibility that the power to dictate ( by inclusion or exclusion ) the content of education could be abused by a government with extreme views .
5 An alternative to water in sprays is needed in the tropics where water is often very difficult to obtain or transport to the field ; it evaporates so rapidly that the effectiveness of sprays is further reduced .
6 This rise in prices is eliminated from the figures by dividing national income by the price index and multiplying by 100 .
7 Collier and Rosaldo ( 1981 : 276 ) have noted that in societies where valour in men is associated with the role of hunter , there is often an ideological linking of hunting , killing , and male sexuality .
8 Long-stay care in hospitals is provided for the physically or mentally frail elderly .
9 Steady but slow growth in numbers is predicted for the 1980s .
10 However , most anxiety in horses is related to the fear of pain .
11 In a book written by educators for educators , a description of some of the causes of visual disability that can be encountered in schoolchildren is given for the guidance of teachers in their work with pupils .
12 Intra-EC trade in spirits is dominated by the UK , whose sales to the rest of the EC consist , overwhelmingly , of Scotch .
13 The quality of materials used in walls is governed by the Building Regulations , but the walls themselves may be built of bricks , blocks , stone , concrete or timber .
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