Example sentences of "in [noun pl] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The total number of people aged 65 and over in institutions increased by 30% between the two censuses , but because of population growth this represents an increase in proportion of only 0.5% , from 4.2% to 4.7% .
2 This expresses weight in kilograms divided by height in metres squared ( W/H² ; ) .
3 Interrogatories can be twice administered without leave save in cases referred to arbitration under Ord 19 , r 2(3) .
4 At this there was more uproar and , encouraged by their chief , a posse of seven Scottish YCs in kilts paraded in front of the platform singing ‘ Rule Britannia ’ to the uncertain sound of Robertson 's trumpet .
5 It is usually recognised by the presence of large numbers of larvae at the same stage of development in animals withheld from infection for a period longer than that required to reach that particular larval stage .
6 The cleavage reactions were left at 30°C for 2 hours , the reactions stopped by the addition of EDTA to 24 mM and the NC and IN proteins removed by extraction with phenol prior to resolution by urea/PAGE .
7 the experiences and challenges facing teachers in schools situated in areas of high social disadvantage in the UK and USA ;
8 In books written by vets on the subject of cat ‘ care ’ and cat ‘ health ’ , it is now standard practice to refer to the spaying of females and the castration of males as minor , routine operations .
9 These mosaics have suffered great damage through the ages , particularly in countries occupied for centuries by the Turks such as Greece and Turkey itself .
10 On the contrary , in both capitalist and non-capitalist states they have grown , in spite of a tendency in both camps to encourage private or other non-state direction , planning and management even in countries dedicated in theory to neo-liberalism , the sheer weight of what public revenue and expenditure represent in the economies of states , but above all their growing role as agents of substantial redistributions of the social income by means of fiscal and welfare mechanisms , have probably made the national state a more central factor in the lives of the world 's inhabitants than before .
11 The addition of bFGF to sucralfate resulted in similar stimulation in DNA synthesis and in similar increases in the concentrations of DNA and RNA to those in rats treated with bFGF without sucalfate ( Table IV ) .
12 In rats treated with bFGF at doses of 3–300 µg/kg per day , there was a dose dependent decrease in the ulcer area ( compared with vehicle control ) .
13 Sucralfate administered at 400 mg/kg/day caused similar reductions in ulcer area to that found in rats treated with bFGF at a dose of 30 µg/kg/day .
14 In a separate series of experiments , the progression of the changes in pancreatic blood flow was determined in rats anesthetised with ether at 60 minute intervals twice before and five times during a five hour infusion of caerulein ( 10 µg/kg/h ) .
15 The discworld offers sights far more impressive than those found in universes built by Creators with less imagination but more mechanical aptitude .
16 Thus glacial geomorphology was defined ( Gjessing , 1978 ) as concerned with bedrock forms and superficial deposits produced by glacial and fluvioglacial processes in areas of present glaciers as well as in areas covered by glaciers during the Quaternary .
17 Provision of training in areas specified by RBG on systems supported by EUCS .
18 Brewers hailed the move as ‘ sheer common sense ’ , but anti-alcohol pressure groups and some MPs gave warning there would have to be stringent safety measures in pubs used by families with children .
19 It is commonly found in texts designed for use in teaching reading , as one means of freeing the beginner from problems connected with syntax .
20 It must be recognised , however , that distortions in the market place or in costs imposed on DRAs by other areas may justify certain more or less permanent support measures .
21 We sang songs and ate foam-tasting cinnamon pastries at gaudy roadstops , in places shaped like bugs with high modern bridges above the road .
22 Would you like to become a journalist for an hour or so , and copy out one or two ‘ In Years Gone By columns for us from the files ?
23 Also , allowing representatives to initiate applications for judicial review raises the question of whether representatives ought to be allowed to intervene in applications initiated by others in order to express opposing or complementary points of view .
24 The synthesis of the prostaglandins E 2 and F&sub2α was demonstrated in platelets stimulated with thrombin by Smith and Willis ( 1971 ) .
25 To simplify a rather complex historical phenomenon , it can be said that the present political division between Fianna Fail and Fine Gael originates in positions taken by opponents in that war .
26 The text of the Convention suggests that in all other cases the Central Authority may choose to serve the document either by the method prescribed by its internal law for the service of documents in actions brought against defendants within the jurisdiction or by ‘ delivery to an addressee who accepts it voluntarily ’ , i.e. remise simple .
27 However , this therapeutic range , obtained in studies conducted in patients with asthma , should not be used as a reference in patients with chronic obstructive airways disease , in which the use of theophylline has been a subject of controversy .
28 Here some of the most brilliant names of the day mingled in rooms hung with paintings by Piper , Sutherland , John Banting and Michael Ayrton .
29 In patients treated with amoxicillin plus omeprazole , there was a trend ( without statistical significance ) towards better H pylori eradication rates after a two week antibiotic course compared with one week amoxicillin treatment ( 85.7 v 69% , p>0.05 ) and in patients with body ulcers compared with those who had antral manifestation of their ulcer disease ( 94.4 v 72.7% , p>0.05 ) .
30 We have compared NIPPV with conventional treatment in patients admitted to hospital with ventilatory failure due to acute exacerbations of COAD .
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