Example sentences of "in [noun pl] [prep] [art] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In this way the child 's performance is continually sustained by the adult who , almost paradoxically , is always seeking to withdraw so that the child is able to participate in interactions as an independent and autonomous individual .
2 Poetry and music , well attested as pastimes of both upper and lower deck in the period concerned , come to us in rehearsals for a noisy and enthusiastic Messiah in which hierarchies are temporarily forgotten , in the verse-contests of two junior officers partial to odes , in the stamp of hornpipes and the therapy of farces and dramatic interludes and , pertinently , in the comments of the inartistic , like the complaint of Aubrey 's cantankerous servant Killick , exasperated by the noise of a first attempt at ‘ Old Bach 's D Minor double sonata ’ :
3 Glass reckons he saw 100 people individually and in groups over a four or five month period .
4 Holdings of around one third were common in the 1970s , but the proportion fell during the boom in equities in the 1980s and is now down to 9% .
5 The extent to which such rights might justifiably embrace ideas unrelated to government or public affairs , ideas of no value at all , or cloaked in images of a sexual or violent nature , has long exercised the finest minds not only in American jurisprudence , but in Europe and the Commonwealth as well .
6 And beyond that , the outliers of the Cheviot swelled , dappled with cloud-shadows and stained russet and purple with bracken and heather , rolling away in waves to the distant and invisible summit of the Cheviot itself .
7 ( a ) where there has been a change in circumstances of an exceptional and specific nature ( but a change in general economic , industrial or political circumstances will not justify failure to proceed with an announced offer ) ;
8 Most people prefer to collect their armies in blocks of a thousand or five hundred points , starting with say a thousand point ‘ core ’ force and adding five hundred points at a time .
9 Most people prefer to collect their armies in blocks of a thousand or five hundred points , starting with say a one thousand point core force and adding five hundred points at a time .
10 Most people prefer to collect their armies in blocks of a thousand or five hundred points , starting with say a thousand point core force and adding five hundred points at a time after that .
11 The researchers said the Japanese growth in wealth seemed to have been accompanied by a narrowing in the difference in incomes between the richest and poorest , whereas in Britain the gap had widened .
12 The silver water shatters under her feet , the child bounces as he rides on her breast , and she no longer hears Sycorax , only the pulse of the sea as it breaks in frills on the smooth and shiny sand , the splash of her stride and the drumming of her heart as she makes for the forest to the north , her back turned to the bay where the English ship rides at anchor , where the sea battle will take place .
13 The Microprocessor Report finds DEC has reduced prices on its Alpha 21064 CPUs from $1,559 to $1,096 in quantities of a thousand and $800 in quantities of 50,000 .
14 It is priced at $95 in quantities of a thousand or more .
15 The rationalisation remits have been a notable success enabling Johnson Matthey to maintain growth in profits during a long and deep worldwide recession .
16 Note that as far as triad chords are concerned , a whole-tone scale comprises only two different chords , as the notes of a chord on the first degree are repeated in chords on the third and fifth degrees , while those of a chord on the second degree are repeated on the fourth and sixth .
17 It is unlikely , however , that bacterial overgrowth is a major factor determining the malabsorbtion of fat and bile acids as there was no significant difference in faecal fat and faecal bile acid excretion in patients with a positive or negative hydrogen breath test and no correlation was seen between breath hydrogen excretion and SeHCAT retention .
18 There was no significant difference in faecal fat excretion in patients with a positive and negative hydrogen breath test ( 59.3 ( 8.6 ) ×10 - 3 v 47.1 ( 18.9 ) ×10 - 3 g fat/g stool/24 hours respectively ( p=NS ) .
19 Similarly there was no significant difference in faecal bile acid excretion in patients with a positive and negative hydrogen breath test ( 167.1 ( 37 ) v 125.4 ( 22.9 ) mg bile acid/g stool/24 hours respectively ; p=NS ; Fig 3 ) .
20 So coming back more specifically to Selby , and taking er Mr Curtis 's ball-park figure of of seventeen hundred , erm now already we 've we 've got approximately eight hundred and fifty committed in terms of a hundred and eighty con er completions , five hundred and sixty permissions including conversions , and a hundred and ten dwellings identified on a site at Elvington in in the Greater York study , and there 's really not a great deal more flexibility , erm , because of the greenbelt constraint .
21 The general social and political advantages of the newly enlarged audiences were obvious but in cultural terms what was really significant as far as the subsequent history of the movies was concerned was that the showmen who made and presented the movies were no longer thinking in terms of a homogeneous or class audience .
22 The prayers recommended before the consecration are for the spiritual welfare of all estates and conditions of men in terms of a literal and spiritual harvest which not only ensures their survival in this world but also in the next .
23 To repeat , the association between homosexuality and the sexual lite of a woman is not necessarily insulting to either ; it is only that Mailer 's denigrating version of it forewarns of the crassness of the version of sexual difference which constitutes both the origin and horizon of his vision , and once again indicates an intense apprehensiveness in the face of imagined male passivity , and the way it is oft en conceived in terms of a denigrated and denigrating femininity at once utterly alien to yet strangely inherent within the male .
24 American economic activity in the international arena ( or American economic imperialism , as it was increasingly being labelled ) began to be identified as a problem in urgent need of resolution , and to be conceptualised in terms of the multinational or transnational corporation .
25 One might further say that Paul would surely want to be judged in terms of the highest that he knew .
26 Parametric data are expressed in terms of the mean and 95% confidence interval ( CI ) and comparison between groups was by the Student 's t test .
27 It is in terms of the latter and their involvement in , and influence on , movements for social change that the project will be judged radical or not .
28 Recent field studies of the extant great apes by Wrangham , MacKinnon , and Dian Fossey allow us to formulate new models of the relations between social organization and ecology of these species and to present them in terms of the reproductive and social strategies of individuals .
29 The client may then be asked to re-order this list in terms of the most and least pressing problems .
30 Like the previous framework , regulationist theories analyse industrial change both in terms of the strongly international driving force behind it , and in terms of the social and organizational restructuring that accompanies technical change and innovation .
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