Example sentences of "in [art] few [adj] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They were almost certainly endowed with highly developed sensory and intuitive powers seen only in the few remaining native tribes alive today .
2 We had a small walled garden and oblong of grass and , though Father kept a long side bed gay with red geraniums , white marguerites and blue lobelia , capable of standing up to the odd cricket ball and the games we children were able to play in the few remaining square yards behind beggared description but we had the whole Heath beyond .
3 Next , in a few small still lifes of early 1910 , such as the Glass on a Table , the objects are blocked in a much more direct manner than hitherto .
4 ‘ How do I know what I think till I 've heard what I 've got to say ? ’ they will ask ; and , sitting down at the keyboard , will type in a few hasty half-baked assertions , and let the program nag them into developing a coherent and well-expressed thesis .
5 ‘ But I can pencil in a few other little misdemeanours .
6 ( 2 ) In the 1950s nationalist leaders in a few Latin American countries ( Argentina , Brazil and Uruguay ) , at critical junctures when their economies were undergoing varying degrees of pressure , sought to explore the potential political and/or economic benefits of relations with the Soviet Union .
7 In a profile of Denis Law written in 1962 the late great Scottish journalist John Rafferty summarised the '60s in a few short condemnatory words .
8 In a few sheltered rocky glens and on inaccessible cliff ledges and islands in larger lochs , dense stands of scrub of Salix aurita and S. cinerea subsp. oleifolia occur with scattered bushes of Betula pubescens , Corylus avellana , Lonicera periclymenum , Populus tremula , Rosa afzeliana , Rubus fruticosus agg . , and Sorbus aucuparia ( Spence , 1960 ; Bennett and Fossitt , 1989 ) .
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