Example sentences of "in [art] [num ord] few [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Lead levels from a system with lead piping are much higher in the first few pints that come from a tap that has been left turned off than after the water has run for a few minutes , as this flushes out much of the dissolved lead .
2 Although he may receive more help in the first few months than the widow usually does , he may find that his sudden change in life-style is a considerable shock .
3 Many children develop allergies in the first few weeks or months of life , and often these improve as the years go by .
4 The current , although only slow , should be able to do this easily in the first few seconds before the crust becomes totally waterlogged and is still buoyant enough to counteract the weight of the bullet .
5 Recovery after a stroke is greatest in the first few days and weeks — but it does n't stop there .
6 It is , however absolutely essential to prohibit all growth of grass and weeds for a metre round each tree in the first few years and while this is fairly simple to achieve by spraying with something such as glyphsate or by using a weed suppressing mat , there is still a substantial area to cut .
7 Doctors were expected to decide in the next few hours whether Nicola would be allowed home today .
8 Like the disappearance of Mallory and Irvine over 50 years before , what happened in the next few hours or days has remained one of the mountain 's unfathomable secrets .
9 ASK ANY thoughtful person for a list of the problems likely to confront Britain in the next few decades and he or she will have no trouble answering .
10 Catherine behaved so sweetly to her husband in the next few days that Thrushcross Grange seemed full of sunshine , and in spite of his doubts , Mr Edgar allowed Heathcliff to visit her regularly .
11 Ministers are expected to take up the fight in the next few days and urge the banks that , at a time of national economic crisis , they must do their bit .
12 He spawned with two females in the next few days and they produced 82 and 64 fry .
13 Still , in the next few days as the news began to filter in from Niki 's hospital that Niki had been given the last rites , that he had inhaled burning fuel and damaged his lungs , that his face had been appallingly burned , the facts did begin to sink in .
14 A High Court judge will decide in the next few months whether the tribunal has considered all evidence correctly .
15 A further 120 rods are expected in the next few months and air transport is a possibility , the UKAEA says .
16 ‘ There are exciting days ahead as the two-year-old classic races loom in the next few months and we could have something hot for next season . ’
17 ‘ It is possible that a slow economic recovery and lower beef prices will coincide to increase consumption in the next few years but in the wake of consumer scares , such as BSE , the market needs a push .
18 Other findings were that 67 per cent think standards will decline in the next few years if things carry on as they are and that 77 per cent agree teachers do a good job in spite of everything .
19 However , much closer co-operation between the two bodies will be required in the next few years if rational decisions are to be made across the whole sector of higher education .
20 ‘ The broadcasting environment will change dramatically in the next few years as new channels and broadcasters emerge in the commercial sector .
21 ‘ The broadcasting environment will change dramatically in the next few years as new channels and broadcasters emerge in the commercial sector .
22 RAIL fares are scheduled to soar in the next few years and at least 5,000 railway jobs will be lost following the Government 's decision to slash grants for British Rail in the early 1990s .
23 Finally , as the advanced further education pool is virtually certain to be reduced , in relative terms , in the next few years and consequently the survival of some institutions may be at stake , NAB 's most difficult job is likely to be to steer public sector higher education through the stormy seas ahead with as little long-term damage as possible .
24 He told us that he expected to be posted to the front at some time in the next few weeks but he would still be home by Christmas ; an officer had told him that the bloody Huns would have been sent packing long before then .
25 But the undertone was exceedingly fragile , with many traders prepared to bank on the FT-SE falling below 2,200 points in the next few weeks unless the 15 per cent rates do turn out to be just a short-lived shock .
26 The Director of Public Prosecutions will decide in the next few weeks if BR must face corporate manslaughter charges over the disaster on December 12 which claimed 35 lives .
27 Brown separatists and white mosque-burners may exploit the Gulf conflagration in the next few weeks or months .
28 ‘ I am practising hard to try to find the answer and I am playing in several events in the next few weeks and hope it comes right . ’
29 Nokia Oy 's Nokia Telecommunications says it has signed an agreement with Ukrainian Mobile Communications for the supply of switching and base station equipment for the Ukrainian NMT 450 cellular mobile telephone network : the network is to be launched commercially in Kiev in the next few weeks and will become available in two other major cities by the end of this year ; Ukrainian Mobile Communications is jointly owned by Ukrainian local operators , Deutsche Bundespost Telekom , Koninklijke PTT Telecom Nederland NV and Telecom Denmark Ltd .
30 The men , aged between sixteen and sixty will be tested in the next few weeks and the results are expected before the end of the year .
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