Example sentences of "in [art] [num ord] [det] [noun pl] that " in BNC.

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1 Lead levels from a system with lead piping are much higher in the first few pints that come from a tap that has been left turned off than after the water has run for a few minutes , as this flushes out much of the dissolved lead .
2 Catherine behaved so sweetly to her husband in the next few days that Thrushcross Grange seemed full of sunshine , and in spite of his doubts , Mr Edgar allowed Heathcliff to visit her regularly .
3 We 've just heard in the last few minutes that the application for that hotel to be listed has been turned down .
4 At least one bookseller remarked to me that so many ex-library books had come on to the market in the last few years that he had begun to realise what it must have been like when the great monastic libraries were being dispersed .
5 It 's only in the last few years that everyone has begun talking seriously about fibre in diet , although those who have always eaten a breakfast that includes all-bran have known for years about the virtues of fibre .
6 Although the pied flycatcher 's adultery has been known about since 1950 , it is only in the last few years that the scientist Rauno Alatalo and his colleagues , studying pied flycatchers in Sweden , have begun to unravel the finer details .
7 And I mean there has been up until fairly recently , it 's only in the last few years that relations have tended to get a bit better .
8 Such has been the rate of change in the last few years that the 1981 Census has become woefully outdated .
9 He had heard ( and drunk ) so much in the last few days that his mind was a haze of impressions and conjectures which refused to sort themselves out or lead in any one direction .
10 Thomas died in December , but it is only in the last few days that Scotland Yard has received information from the FBI about why he was killed .
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