Example sentences of "in [art] [noun pl] [noun] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Before he joined NCPR Lorton had worked in the personnel department of a firm which marketed burglar alarms .
2 We can imagine the dilemma that an individual might face if , for example , she works in the personnel department of an organisation and has to give redundancy notices to members of the same trade union .
3 In the lands west of the Rhine , there was in principle , as there had been in late Roman times , a count for each civitas , though in practice , one man often held two or more neighbouring civitates .
4 He works in the rights department of a small publishing company and has two children from his first marriage .
5 In 1928 he became an assistant producer in the talks department of the BBC .
6 The entry in the charges register of the building society 's legal charge was not an error and was not made under a mistake .
7 When it was built it was described in the letters pages of the Daily Telegraph as ’ a monsterous erection , ’ but the people of Faringdon would n't be without their folly now .
8 In the letters columns of The Times , Jewish readers variously suggested that I was ‘ making a serious attempt to undermine the legal basis of Israel 's existence ’ and that the paper had become ‘ a platform for the enemies of Israel ’ .
9 In 1989 , she headed south from her birthplace to settle in the forests east of the Värmland town of Arvika .
10 If they come up to me in the members room of the City Hall and say ‘ hello ’ what am I supposed to ?
11 In April 1980 , U2 signed to Island in the ladies toilet of the Lyceum .
12 Eventually I gave up hope of ever seeing my Mom again , and stealing a penny from beneath a milk bottle , bought a platform ticket and stowed away in the goods wagon of a train bound — I thought — for Sheffield and my beloved Grandfather .
13 The staff in the claims department of an insurance company will be skilful and experienced negotiators , with adequate resources to deal with claims .
14 The story of the falling apple , which Newton himself loved to tell in his old age , would place his discovery of the law of universal gravitation in the anni mirabili of the plague years of 1665–66 ‘ when I was in the prime of my age for invention ’ .
15 Mike Chittenden … recovering in the burns unit of a Mersey hospital
16 Abrams ' experience proved that being a solid but unspectacular TV performer is no longer enough in these days where a politician risks instant oblivion unless he can turn in the hustings equivalent of an MTV award winner .
17 He knew there had been fighting about Charleroi , and he had heard of some skirmishes being fought in the villages south of the Prince of Orange 's headquarters , but whether the French had invaded in force , or whether there was an attack coming in the direction of Mons , the Duke still did not know .
18 The keyword LAST-CHECKED-ISSUE does not necessarily relate to the CHECKED-BY keyword in the MODIFICATIONS-RECORDS field of the module referenced , but is purely for the user 's information .
19 We make some suggestions in the resorts section of the magazine from writers who have kept away from the pistes and enjoyed it .
20 Some 150 drawings by Robert and his son John survive in the drawings collection of the Royal Institute of British Architects .
21 In the case of companies , their objects are described in the objects clause of the memorandum of association .
22 STANLEY and Brackley , from County Durham and Northamptonshire respectively , meet at Melton Mowbray today in the triples final of the Manchester Unity National indoor championships after semi-finals of contrasting styles yesterday .
23 FOR a number of weeks leading up to last Sunday 's Dublin v Derry semi-final the name of Tommy Carr provided scope for hundreds of column inches in the sports pages of a section of the media .
24 In modern-day America , stories of collective entrepreneurship typically appear in the sports pages of the daily newspaper ; time after time , in accounts of winning efforts we learn that the team with the best blend of talent won — the team that emphasized teamwork — not the team with the best individual athlete .
25 My son , he wrote , moving on to a new page , my son , who is a keen footballer and a passionate supporter of our local team , Brighton and Hove Albion ( the Seagulls ) , was surprised the other day when , looking in on one of the team 's training sessions in the sports pavilion of the University of Sussex , he .
26 Media ethics and broadcasting training go hand in hand in the Communications Unit of the Church of England , which is a corporate member of WACC .
27 Seven out of every 10 Mexican homes are within the range of television signals , and 96% of those homes are tuned to a channel in the communications empire of the Televisa Corporation .
28 The success rate for calculating time intervals depended on whether there were figures other than zero in the units column of the minutes .
29 In the regions west of the Rhine , the ascendance of bishops within many civitates may have strengthened counts ' preferences for the country life .
30 Husameddin claims that one Shuja al-Din Ilyas Celebi , Hoca to the sultan , had become ( was ? ) a highly-regarded mufti in Edirne in 831/1427–8 , " historical proofs ' which Husameddin has chanced upon describing him as One finds also both in the biographical dictionaries and in the chronicles instances of the use of this early period .
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