Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun pl] [subord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For Canguilhem the history of a concept will have its own specific temporality , demonstrating less a process of epistemological self-correction as in the pure sciences than the persistence of the problem within all the contradictory solutions and ideological values that have been given to it and which make up its history .
2 what is happening in the immediate surroundings when the word is produced .
3 For example , two colossal standing figures that are among the museum 's Nubian treasures will remain in the Egyptian galleries until a system can be devised to shore up the structure .
4 In the 80 years since the aeroplane first appeared in the county , it has brought a great deal of pleasure and prosperity .
5 But who 'd want to work in the small labs if the more exciting stuff went elsewhere ? "
6 Ms Capaldi said a considerable amount of work on data had been carried out in the five months since the report was published .
7 Mr John Towers , managing director , said that in the five days after the poll sales had risen by 20 per cent compared with the same five days last year .
8 Instead an eclectic approach has been taken , highlighting some of the more significant work that has been done in the five years since the first edition of this book was published .
9 In the five years since the Inspector made his first appearance , the audience has grown to seven hundred and fifty million people worldwide .
10 The simplest reason for the disappointing subscription is that the novelty of a kitchen maid poet had dissipated in the four years since the first subscription , especially among the gentry around Brackley who might now observe Philip Leapor enjoying the fruits of the first volume .
11 Although they were still only in their teens , the two young Annamese had undergone a drastic change in appearance in the four years since the Sherman family had watched them gambolling around the cooking tent of their father , Ngo Van Loc , the hunting camp " boy " of Jacques Devraux .
12 Two A-320s had crashed previously in the four years since the aircraft went into operation .
13 Government statistics show that the February 1993 seasonally unadjusted figure for unemployment in Scotland stood at 257,092 : 85,000 unemployed were not claiming benefit in the four weeks before the Government 's February figures , but were also seeking work , according to the Labour Force Survey .
14 The price paid is that the air in the lung is saturated with water vapour , which is lost when the animal breathes out ( although some will be retained in the nasal passages if the air is cooled down before it leaves ) .
15 The most striking fact about de Gaulle 's actions in the six months after the liberation of Paris was how little his priorities shifted , in contrast to those of the political class as a whole .
16 Best practice is always a moving target , and in the six years since the directive was issued there have been a number of developments in domestic and international financial reporting that needed to be reflected by credit institutions .
17 In the six years since the Mulla Committee 's report , there has been a certain amount of further progress , including increases in the prison budget , some new instructions from the central government to the states , and the setting up of a small policy section within the Ministry of Home Affairs to consider the implementation of the recommendations .
18 In the 18 months since the demise of the communist regime in east Germany , prices of land , offices and shops have exploded .
19 In fact , he totally underestimated the difficulties he would have to face : in the 18 months since the APB was set up , the economic climate and spectacular corporate failures such as BCCI and Maxwell have left the public baying for auditors ' blood , and , although there has been a honeymoon period — somewhat extended recently by publication of the McFarlane Report — the pressure under which the new body has had to work has been intense .
20 It is generally true that people are in the greatest difficulties when the external world confirms their worst fears about themselves , and are at their happiest when it confirms their best fantasies .
21 Ian Readman , honorary secretary of the Redcar Station , said he believed it was only the third time a crew at the station had received a medal in the 190 years since the Zetland was first launched from Redcar .
22 Alesi had proved troublesome for Berger in the early stages after the Austrian had made a poor start and then spent several laps working his way past the Ferrari and Schumacher .
23 In the early stages if no other remedy is clearly indicated or if Aconite seems to be indicated but does not help at all .
24 All other methods involve what is known as accelerated depreciation because the depreciation is greater in the early years than the later years .
25 The financial plan showed the investment impact on sales , profit and return on investment per year over the next ten years , while the financing plan described how the investment was to be financed : namely , from borrowings in the early years until the plan became self-financing from funds accrued from current operations , in year four .
26 In the early years until the Rampart Road/Milford Street corner was improved the route was from Blue Boar Row , Winchester Street along London Road to St. Mark 's Church .
27 That night , with our generator and four lightbulbs , we illuminated the Keraing 's house and electrified the village for the first time in the thirty-odd years since the invading Japanese had withdrawn from Indonesia .
28 in 1979 she increased VAT from 8pc to 15pc and was in the political doldrums until a torpedo sunk the Belgrano , then lots of flag-waving and bingo another election victory .
29 Kern 's view adds substance to anecdotal evidence from some businesses in the 10 days since the last interest rate cut — evidence that suggests the corner is finally in the process of being turned .
30 Not surprisingly , PW has welcomed the report , not least because it allows the firm to tell its side of the story without being hindered by the confidentiality rules which have left partners unable to defend themselves in the 16 months since the bank collapsed .
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