Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 They say the stage is a respectable profession nowadays , well maybe it is , but I ca n't think it 's changed all that much in the five years since I left .
2 ‘ Would it surprise you to know that in the five years since I first set eyes on you , I have not looked seriously at another woman ?
3 Pakistan also have strong support from ex-Test stars from other countries such as Australia 's respected former captain , Richie Benaud , who says : ‘ On the opening day of the final Cornhill Test I was privileged to witness some of the finest swing bowling in the 44 years that I 've been in the game .
4 Software has improved dramatically in the six years since I bought the old computer and this one is faster and easier to use .
5 I 've never had a contract of employment in the six years that I 've been there but erm less than forty eight hours after all this happened every employee was issued with a contract of employment .
6 In the fifteen years that I have been giving lectures on sleep and dreaming to many groups of sixth-formers as well as undergraduate students , I have , in fact , only once had a single positive response to this question .
7 It had blown a gale in the early hours and I had been up with my torch at three o'clock to attend to the guy-ropes and check that the washing was still on the line : it was , but it had become red with dust .
8 In the early weeks after I had him I suffered from postnatal depression .
9 It 's wrong , Mr Deputy Speaker , if they 're living in this country erm on a semi-permanent basis and happen to have been here last October they 'll have a vote so will any everybody else who 's a citizen of the European union , so will peers of the realm who happen to be living elsewhere whether they 're in this country or outside this country under these regulations and previous regulations , have a vote in the European elections and I think it 's wholly wrong that erm citizens of other European countries namely France because that 's the one and it 's remarkable is it not that France is the one that 's gon na be the cause of this whole edifice collapsing if we do n't submit to their extra demands but citizens of France who are citizens living in their colonies , as I 've said in South America , the West Indies and the Pacific , will have a vote in the European elections on June the ninth and yet we have got citizens for whom we are responsible for in this house , we can not shirk it onto anyone else , we deny them the responsibility and I think it 's about time the house addressed this matter .
10 Let me give you one or two specific examples , I 'm always interested , having been in a college for thirty five years in adult education , I 'm interested in the primary schools and I must admit I get more job satisfaction the moment we go in a primary schools than ever I had when I was in the college itself !
11 And in , certainly in the two cases that I 've just mentioned , those were the key worries that they had ; but I would hazard a guess and say those are the exceptions to the rule .
12 In the two months since I installed the anemone it has visited virtually every area of the tank , often selecting the most uncomfortable looking places to stay , including perching on the very top of a rather spiky coral ‘ tree ’ .
13 They had made the transition to college ‘ inhabitants ’ in the two years since I had left the borough .
14 In the nineteen years that I have been in Parliament , I can not think of anyone , save for Enoch Powell , who has been a more powerful advocate of liberal economics than John Biffen .
15 Dear colleagues , it is my pleasure to send fraternal greetings to all delegates at the G M B Conference from the Executive Officers and Members of the T & G. In the twelve months since I last sent you our good wishes much activity has taken place within our movement .
16 So I could n't agree more , and that will be taken up in the fairly near future , following the information that I 've been gathering in the various meetings that I 've been having round the country on this .
17 In the va , in the various schools that I 've worked in I I 've
18 ‘ They are a breed that will enjoy a long walk and they are excellent car travellers — in the 34 years that I have owned them I have never known one to be car sick , ’ she added .
19 My answer to the first part of his question is that in the few weeks that I have had my present portfolio , two or three times in public I have stated my firm belief that it is in the interests of the people of Northern Ireland , the police and the security forces — indeed , in the interests of all of us — that the law be applied even-handedly and that those responsible for applying the law should do so .
20 The deterioration in my companion 's movements in the few weeks since I had last seen him was distressing to observe .
21 ‘ Unfortunately , they were both drowned in a ferry disaster in the Greek islands while I was still at university .
22 I beat him once in the 1988 Olympics and I know I can beat him again . ’
23 In the 30-plus years since I started my CIT life as a student , I have found the many local and national meetings and lectures to have been a valuable way of giving and receiving information and help .
24 Despite a growing influx of visitors , it has changed very little in the forty years since I first saw it , remaining unspoiled and unsophisticated .
25 But on the other hand private care suffers from not being part of the mainstream thinking that has gone in to helping to move away from those bad practices and towards better practices in the statutory services and I think that these are the things that we really have to try and address .
26 But Principles retains the first-class coverage of metabolism achieved in the earlier editions and I unreservedly recommend the new section on ‘ Molecular transmission of genetic information ’ .
27 I have known many who have competed in the Olympic Games and I do not know one who does not still cherish the memory and still treasure that thrill of competition at the highest level .
28 I ca n't afford to fight this in the American courts and I genuinely fear for the safety of my children . ’
29 I know my body bulge is in the wrong places and I know I have signs of ageing , I was reminded even this morning by a close friend about my grey hairs , which I do n't give too hoops about
30 A storm arrives from the west , the snow falling so thickly in a few minutes that I fear I will lose my way .
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