Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [adj] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Wes smiled and looked up at me and for a moment the tough mask dropped from the grubby features and in the dark wild eyes I read sheer delight .
2 In the early postwar decades it seemed that governments had some clear options .
3 In the early middle ages we find a saint , St Eligius ( 588–663 ) , acting as goldsmith to Frankish kings .
4 In the early Middle Ages it often meant kaleidoscopic change on the political scene but the new pattern ( unlike a kaleidoscope 's ) took some time to form .
5 In the early post-war years it was believed that investment expenditures were not very responsive to changes in interest rates , and most of the empirical evidence at the time , seemed to support this view .
6 In the early post-war years it was difficult even to stay alive , with low rations , a fuel shortage and an economy which worked by barter in the absence of a stable currency .
7 Thus in the European feudal societies it was not the conflict between lord and peasant which was decisive in bringing about change ( only in the twentieth century has it been possible to organize peasants in effective revolutionary movements ) , but the emergence and growth in those societies of an alien incompatible element — the bourgeoisie .
8 I am more interested in the varying symbolic functions they fulfil .
9 In the two previous examples we have considered deformations in which .
10 However , in the new urban environments it was possible for the young and fit to earn good wages and therefore to be independent of their families .
11 For his own part , the prince would cheerfully have bedded down in the cramped military quarters he normally used on his periodical visits , but he was punctilious in providing every amenity for his guests , and the greater space and grace of the abbot 's apartments made approach to his own person easier , and brought more petitioners in search of his favour , which at once satisfied his thirsty sense of duty , and wore him out into childish sleepiness by nightfall .
12 A simpler interpretation is that the experimenters have rediscovered what Lashley ( 1950 ) showed many years ago , that partial removal of the cortical area to which the dorsal lateral geniculate body projects , has remarkably little effect on simple form discrimination tasks and that it is only when the entire cortical projection zone is removed that severe deficits , detectable in the simple behavioural paradigms we use , emerge .
13 The latest medical theories suggest that Mozart 's last illness had its roots in the various serious infections he had suffered as a child : on the early trip to Paris and London he had contracted rheumatic fever , tonsillitis. and typhoid fever ; in 1167 he had caught smallpox ; and in Italy he seems to have had bronchitis and yellow jaundice .
14 In the good old days you had lots of career men .
15 Heaven knew she 'd been the subject of enough prurient curiosity in the few short weeks she 'd been running the club .
16 The sight of her in the old tatty jumpers she slept in always brought him back to reality .
17 He would see her in the old holey woollies she wore to bed , rather than an old-fashioned nightshirt .
18 Norman had n't brought any rockboots , and intended climbing in the old green trainers he was wearing .
19 In the old large hospitals it was sometimes difficult to detect the strong mutual , informal relationships which developed amongst patients and provided a good deal of support , and , unfortunately , often little account was taken of these relationships when patients were moved from the hospitals into the community .
20 The pigeon 's compass sense only was disrupted , as in the previous clock-shifting experiments we discussed .
21 He 'd been brought up on a farm and had a way with horses , and his first job when he left school was working for a brewery breaking in the big black cobs they brought over wild from Ireland and put to use as cart-horses dragging the great heavy drays full of ale .
22 In the big American museums you no longer have brilliant ‘ star ’ directors the way you had them in the Sixties and Seventies people like Sherman Lee at Cleveland , Fred Cummings at Detroit , Tom Hoving at the Met who could manage 5,000 projects at once , either making brilliant acquisitions , or putting on unusual or daring exhibitions , or making outrageous statements that might get them censured today .
23 They 're the only sweetpea growers in the country asked to show at Chelsea ; the high standard of their flowers reflected in the 3 gold medals they 've won at past shows .
24 The social anthropologist , for his part , while stressing the importance of social interaction ( and thus joining forces with much that is practised in the name of ‘ psychodynamics ’ ) is often over-simplistic in the unacknowledged psychological assumptions he makes about people 's inner feelings and mental states .
25 In the 1972 presidential elections he was vice-presidential candidate for the coalition headed by Jose Napoleon Duarte , who was widely held to have won although a military candidate was declared the winner .
26 In the English appellate courts it may be true to say that change that can be based on reasoning by analogy and the evolutionary development of legal rules is the most that can be expected , and that major changes of direction require legislation which , to overcome the bias of judges in favour of the status quo , must be unequivocally expressed .
27 His feet in the heavy studded boots he insisted on wearing , clumsy on his thin ankles , marked the pale waxed wood of her floor .
28 From Seelisberg there is a longer walk which is particularly rewarding in the sustained panoramic views it offers .
29 In the bad old days you could go crazy trying to match a driver 's configuration to the switch settings on a LAN card .
30 My mother , now some years dead , used to breathe the word in the same hushed tones she bestowed upon jews , Asians , and Natives .
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