Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , just as in the case of short-run macro-policy we consider offsetting changes which keep the level of aggregate demand unchanged , so in the long-run growth context we may want to compare situations where the aggregate capital-labour ratio is unchanged .
2 In the modern material age it is hard to comprehend someone regularly and readily giving up such a vast sum to pursue expensive , unpaid projects , but for Barney it 's important .
3 It is impossible to watch the towplane and the ground ahead during the climb out so that in the event of a launch failure the glider pilot has to look for a field , whereas in the normal tow position he has a good view of the fields ahead all the time .
4 And even in just the police station , in the small holding cells they have , it 's not very nice .
5 When this occurs in the great blood vessels it may result in loss of the normal damping mechanism of the cardiac output due to the relative inelasticity of these vessels .
6 The Washington was fitted with an Auxiliary Power Unit , ( APU ) which was located in the unpressurized rear fuselage. it was basically a two cylinder , four-cycle petrol engine which drove a generator .
7 She would n't put it past him but in the brilliant afternoon heat she was n't inclined to pursue the matter .
8 On Saturday he was back in his own Opel and despite struggling for grip in the slippery Fermanagh forests he played safe to finish 35 seconds behind the Ford Escort Cosworth of Leckey .
9 In the proportional hazards models we included the potentially confounding variables of age , sex , race , education , marital state , systolic blood pressure , total cholesterol concentration , body mass index , diabetes , physical activity , alcohol consumption , poverty index , and cigarette smoking .
10 In the Soviet manufacturing sector it costs 0.7 million roubles in capital investment to increase production capacity by one million roubles , but it costs four million roubles to achieve the same result in the extractive sector .
11 In general , it reaches a maximum thickness of 40–50 m near the basin margin but locally in the southern North Sea it attains a thickness of up to 90 m , and basinwards it decreases in thickness to less than 5 m ( Fig. 4c ) .
12 The fact remains , however , that in the young adult novel we have a useful example of reading contributing to development : easily read , unpompous , and unauthoritarian , these books provide reassurance and role-models of the right kind .
13 As a strategy in the general learning situation it can be particularly damaging , and this is also true of language learning .
14 In any case , in the harsher bathroom light I can see that I 've put it on too thickly .
15 In the early morning light he could see that she wore a black cape over a dark red dress .
16 Even when private landownership spread in the latter Tokugawa era it did so under this premise .
17 An undertaking may be in a dominant position if in the relevant product market it is in a position where , as a result of its economic strength , it is able to hinder effective competition by behaving to an appreciable extent independently of its competitors without taking into account customer and consumer demands .
18 She 'd seen enough from the taxi to tell that every house , cottage , shop and inn was simply full of character , each different but still in the traditional Cotswold style she was beginning to recognise .
19 In Yorkshire the houses of the period tend to be of stone rubble while in the former Wiltshire downlands they are more often than not made of cob , a mixture of chalk , straw and manure , or of flint rubble .
20 He stood aside to admit her ; in the tiny entrance hall he helped her off with her coat without touching her .
21 Haggard recounted the power of Cook 's name in the only travel book he wrote .
22 They will initially interpret a rise in the demand for and price of their product as a rise in its relative price and as implying a fall in the real wage rate they must pay measured in terms of their product .
23 When workers experience a rise in the real wage rate they face a decoding problem : they must decide whether this increase is a permanent rise , that is a rise which is likely to endure into the foreseeable future , or a temporary rise , that is a rise which is likely to be reversed in the near future .
24 However , in the existing UK system we know that the Bank will provide help .
25 Note to Lecturers — In the above review question it is helpful for students to be able to relate these concepts of relevance to real-life situations .
26 In the 1748 peace settlement it was returned in exchange for Louisbourg , but nobody in India had any doubt that the French had demonstrated their superiority .
27 In the remaining solo items you will hear a magical sense of undulation in ‘ Des Abends ’ and in the central langsamer of ‘ Intermezzo I ’ ( Kreisleriana ) Cortot shows how it is possible to clarify writing which can so easily seem wilfully obscure .
28 From my recent discussions with Chris Harris in the European Liaison Unit I am lead to believe that private sector investment in qualifying projects is eligible for grant assistance from the EC , but that the grant can not be paid to a private sector company direct .
29 The rest of the staff was W old W J , who had been who had worked in the central Post Office I think in London , very well trained in in er office management and so on so on .
30 In the Hot Gossip section she also challenged parishioners at Edale , Derbys , to show her ‘ the scene of the crime ’ .
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