Example sentences of "in [adj] [conj] [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A trade conflict with Spain — allies of France — arose in 1734 and soon the old animosity between France and England came to the surface .
2 Because of the raging personal computer price war , the European market started to expand strongly in 1992 and now the Japanese market , despite its general economic sluggishness , is also expanding .
3 So had the great survey of landownership in Russia which Catherine set in motion in 1765 and even the Legislative Commission of two years later .
4 Man is a god in ruins , thought Emerson , and perhaps at the end of the twentieth century much the same could be said of his world , a still beautiful but ravaged paradise which , regardless of the tenets of sustainable development will not be passed on to the next century in better or even the same condition , in fact , almost certainly in worse condition as a result of meeting the needs of another billion or so people .
5 Now he appears as a policeman , but in more or less the same character , as the star of his own series .
6 Although they describe harvest feasts in an opposed manner , Leapor and Duck are engaged in more or less the same argument .
7 It appears to be aimed squarely at what the Americans would call a ‘ resort diver ’ , rather than someone like me who dives several times a week in more or less the same areas .
8 Damage is calculated in more or less the same way as a stone thrower .
9 It was then widely believed that the universe was static , yet if space , and particularly time , were curved back on themselves , how could the universe continue forever in more or less the same state as it is at the present time ?
10 The universe existed and would continue to exist forever in more or less the same state as it is today .
11 I had dressed as well as I could that morning , in more or less the same stuff I 'd worn for Grandma Margot 's funeral .
12 Torrance was the winner at nearby Penina in 1982 and again the following year at Troia near Lisbon , and showed his liking for Portuguese courses by finishing fourth here at Vila Sol on the Algarve last year .
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