Example sentences of "in [adj] [prep] the first [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Additionally , a further ‘ outside ’ course is taken in each of the first two years .
2 Geology comprises one third of the curriculum in each of the first two years of study .
3 During the period of massive repression in 1980 , rural drop-out rates were 40 to 50 per cent in each of the first six grades and 20 to 30 per cent in urban schools .
4 The newly-appointed C E O , Gary who took over at the end of the year when Gill retired has been very involved in these restructuring efforts and has been working very effectively and is on top of the situation , and although three swallows may not make a summer , I can at least tell you that Camco has traded profitably in each of the first three months of nineteen ninety three and now I 'd like to hand you over to Frank , who will talk about the rest of our business .
5 It was the same stadium that Melpomene , an unofficial woman entrant , stepped into in 1986 in the first Olympic marathon .
6 The show illustrates in two large sections the period from the election in 1024 of the first Salien king , Konrad II , to the death in 1125 of his great-grandson Emperor Heinrich V. The first , introduced by historical maps of the period , illustrates the everyday life and working environment of people of different social strata .
7 On a collision course are Onslow 's — who started the fleet sailing in 1985 with the first specialised sale — and Christie 's South Kensington .
8 The high point of his BBC career was the opening in 1929 of the first dual transmitter high-power section in Brookmans Park , near London .
9 By 1882 , Edison 's system of generating power in a central power station , changed industrial methods almost as much as steam had brought about the industrial revolution , and by 1885 the first internal combustion driven machine had appeared , to be followed in 1894 by the first recognisable motorcar .
10 Brunel would have nothing steeper than 1 in 660 for the first eighty-five miles out of Paddington ; Robert Stephenson planned the London and Birmingham Railway with no gradient steeper than 1 in 330 ( except the first rise from Euston to Camden ) ; and Locke nothing steeper than 1 in 250 on the difficult London and Southampton line .
11 He finished on the rostrum in three of the first four GPs ( ignition failure put him out of the fourth ) and he beat John Kocinski in stunning style to win the fifth GP of the season at the Nurburgring .
12 The first self-service store opened in Croydon in 1952 with the first edge-of-town store appearing in 1972 .
13 The pension can be drawn in full for the first eight weeks in hospital , after which your parent will be notified that it will be reduced by a few pounds ( for the exact amount of the reduction see the current issue of leaflet NI9 ) .
14 It was renamed Gallaudet College in 1894 in honour of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet , founder in 1817 of the first American school for the deaf at Hartford , Connecticut , and became Gallaudet University , on being granted university status in 1987 .
15 In one of the first quantitative studies of what he terms the communication explosion , Cherry ( 1978 ) argues that global telecommunications are based on a ‘ tripod skeleton ’ of three main circuits , transatlantic/Europe , Far East/Europe , and North/South America .
16 In 1785 the directors of the Bank of San Carlos ( founded in 1782 as the first national bank of Spain and in itself an indication of a new spirit ) could report in glowing terms .
17 By the time that Key Stage 4 of history is introduced in 1994 with the first reported assessment in 1996 there is the possibility that its position as one of the main elements providing balance and breadth will be undermined by lack of an adequate number of hours for teaching the subject .
18 Elected in 1841 to the first legislative assembly of Upper and Lower Canada as an independent representing Huron , he served five years before resigning in 1846 to become superintendent of the Lachine canal and publish his Recollections of the American War , 1812–1814 .
19 With an intra-anal sutured ileoanal anastomosis , mesenteric vascular division was required to deliver the apex of the pouch to the dentate line in 24 of the first 76 ( 32% ) cases .
20 One sample in seven contained residues in 1986 and the level had fallen to one sample in 20 in the first eight months of this year .
21 He faced growing opposition , even among those who had been his closest supporters , particularly when he failed to honour an undertaking made in 1979 to his party supporters that he would relinquish office in 1990 after the first 10 years of independence .
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