Example sentences of "in [adj] [prep] [art] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Tabitha looked around in vain for a few minutes .
2 The Tables remove the need to list ‘ common subdivisions ’ in each of the many places where they might be applied ; indeed , one list suffices for applications with respect to many different subjects .
3 Jacques was also fortunate in that within a few months of taking up his appointment , the government 's public expenditure restrictions imposed in the economic crisis of 1931 were relaxed in 1935- 36 with the restoration of progressive grants and the encouragement of new provision in adult education , outlined in the Board of Education 's Circular 1444 .
4 Yet in many pastoral societies , and in the modern West and Japan , they are widely used , in some of the former instances becoming virtual panaceas . )
5 If diagram is the right word , we hope that it is like a set of arrows , or avenues , pointing outwards in some of the many directions an artist interested in photography might explore .
6 This is the reason why a new coalification map for the top surface of the Carboniferous ( 1:500 000 ) is presented as a supplement and revision of a former map published in 1979 by the same authors .
7 This fieldwork supplements data collected in 1982-83 by the same investigators , during research entitled ‘ The Social Organisation of Childbearing in Rural North India ’ ( also funded by ESRC ) .
8 Nor did it prevent the preservation of this category in the language of special education many years after its legal obliteration , in the acronym MLD ( moderate learning difficulties ) , used in many of the same contexts for many of the same purposes , but without , as yet , the abusive tone that came to be associated with its predecessor .
9 Primates use tools in many of the same ways as other mammals — although they probably use them better .
10 In one of the many meetings on Nov. 8-9 , Rajiv Gandhi , leader of Congress ( I ) ( which with 193 of the 525 Lok Sabha seats had led the opposition to Singh 's government and had constituted the largest single party block ) , apparently turned down an invitation from President Venkataraman to form a Congress ( I ) government .
11 Because human development is , in one of the many senses , dialectical .
12 In this world-famous entertainment centre , enjoy lavish stage shows , excellent food or have an flutter in one of the many casinos .
13 The flight is conveniently timed so that you can be in one of the many resorts surrounding Innsbruck by lunchtime .
14 Expecting it to be someone high up in one of the many companies she had dealings with — though it was unusual for Jimmy not to supply her with a name — she announced efficiently , ‘ Leith Everett . ’
15 Balcha was a Gurage by origin ; as a boy he had been wounded and castrated in one of the many battles which Menelik had fought while subduing the southern tribes .
16 During the evening , you can unwind in one of the many bars and restaurants ; there is even a disco !
17 Wander around the flora carpeted landscaped gardens and take a leisurely lunch in one of the many restaurants with choices to suit everyone 's taste .
18 This reflects the so-called doctrine of double effect which was incorporated into English law in one of the few cases that have been decided in this area , R v.
19 In fact Peasgood suggests , in one of the few surveys which have been carried out in this area , that selection in academic libraries from the ‘ book in hand ’ was found to be no more effective than selection from lists ( effectiveness being measured in terms of subsequent issues ) .
20 One thing , thought Sally-Anne , looking around her , after Ma Bailey had set her down in one of the few chairs the room possessed , was that no one here had ever done any summer cleaning , nor spring , autumn nor winter cleaning either .
21 In one of the few studies of evacuation behaviour after a non-nuclear hazard event Liverman and Wilson ( 1981 ) give weight to this argument .
22 In one of the few misjudgements of his brilliant career Cockroft said that he was ‘ 90 per cent certain ’ that thermonuclear fusion was occurring .
23 He wore the suit rarely and in one of the few points of discipline which he managed to impose on himself he always made sure that the suit , or the trousers at least , were pressed immediately after use .
24 Two of the screen 's toughest tough guys , James Cagney and Humphrey Bogart , each won his only Oscar in one of the few films in which he played a goody : Yankee Doodle Dandy and The African Queen respectively .
25 In the three years or so that I have been working at Joan Allen Electronics I have become acutely aware of battery problems , in particular from the many cases where detectors have been sent back for repair needlessly .
26 There is a sequel to this story not mentioned in any of the many accounts .
27 Quelch was inevitably involved in most of the many disputes and debates of the decades before 1914 ; and not only in Britain , for he was a constant attender at international conferences of the European Left .
28 He was sent down from Eton in 1863 for a few months for having made a forbidden visit to a Jesuit house .
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