Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun] [adv] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Unlike Stalin and Khruschev , Elena did not use her dilettante approach to science to promote a bogus figure like the Soviet agronomist Trofim Lysenko — though it must be admitted that Nicolae Ceauşescu 's interventions in agricultural practice often recalled the half-baked interference of Lysenko 's patron , Khruschev .
2 Suppose that the increase in the money supply is announced in time to be included in that agents fully believe the central bank , and that the central bank behaves in period t in the way that it announced it would behave at the end of t - 1 .
3 But the use of the notion of appropriateness-conditions would in that case simply make the wrong predictions .
4 Do the inherent remoteness , lack of communications and generally weak social services in rural areas adversely affect the range and accessibility of legal services available ?
5 A major development in rural industry often took the form of town based capitalists organising the labours of village artificers .
6 Pour in melted butter just to cover the meat .
7 The summary table in this case simply indicates the considerable range of difficulty covered by most types of task .
8 In fact , an explanation which went back to a biologically grounded disposition could in this case precisely avoid the invocation of rational collective agency , which is rather an intellectualist embarrassment to the story as Hume ( 1738–40 ) tells it .
9 The artist as critic in this case deliberately avoided the historical context of the pictures she was discussing .
10 Pedagogy in this case actually makes the learning task more difficult .
11 The turquoise dress she wore was of the kind of stretch cotton which showed up any figure fault and which in this instance merely demonstrated the perfection of her body .
12 But those in this tradition wildly overestimated the friendliness towards revelation that human reason would feel , once freed from the shackles of a state compulsion to believe .
13 The Brut suggests that others who were not rewarded in this way also supported the coup , including the younger Bohun brothers Humphrey and William , together with Ralph de Stafford and William de Clinton .
14 Comparing different samples on different occasions in this way probably understates the influence of the press .
15 Servile obligations did survive , albeit unevenly , throughout the country , and their persistence in this way probably reflects the unevenness of the power struggle from one manor to another .
16 The process is continued in this way simply using the granule as the intermediary to transfer a 500th of a drop instead of the direct addition of the whole drop as is the case with the centesimal 1:100 ratio .
17 The reflex increase in urine flow that is produced in this circumstance severely tested the resources of the space-suits worn by the early astronauts ! )
18 Apparently fields in this area still bear the scars of this settlement .
19 Their success in this area so changed the way British films were perceived that , in 1932 , a year when a large number of exhibitors substantially over-filled their quota , the American showbiz journal Variety reported on ‘ the complete stranglehold the home-made pictures had established at the local box office . ’
20 To conclude , in order to examine an area which is rarely focused upon in itself , it has been necessary in this chapter artificially to abstract the object , considering it in rather universalistic terms , and in relation to a perhaps overdrawn dichotomy with language .
21 The analysis presented in this chapter largely takes the former course , for as Wright et al , 1981 say , ‘ If minimising public expenditure is the criterion to be used for choosing patterns of care , the public expenditure basis is the one to go for ’ .
22 The theory-dependence of observation discussed in this chapter certainly undermines the inductivist claim that science starts with observation .
23 Secondly , DMAE and DEAE replace choline in cell membranes and in this manner gradually alter the metabolism of acetylcholine in the brain .
24 The manometry tracings of spontaneous ileal motility seen in this study closely resembled the in vivo patterns of small bowel motility described by other authors .
25 The pretreatment with a platelet activating factor blocker in this study also prevented the development of morphologic changes in the pancreatic tissue and the increment in plasma amylase concentration .
26 Nor did it escape the notice of other critics of the Association that a handbill , lengthily entitled " A Dialogue between Tom and Harry on the Duties of Seamen and the Just and Equitable Rewards for their Services " , was in practice nothing more or less than a statement of union policy on bargaining with shipowners and published in this form only to avoid the appearance that the Standard was more than an innocent friendly society .
27 Usually diplomatic services and foreign offices in this respect merely reflected the societies they served .
28 The result is that once those who are unable to purchase have negotiated their way through the labyrinthine and highly variable eligibility rules to achieve a place on a council housing waiting list , they join a queue which is growing at a faster rate than addition to the council housing stock and which in some cases even exceeds the total number of families housed by the district council .
29 It 's not uncommon for victims of rape to be so traumatized by the attack that they delay , or in some cases never report the matter to police .
30 The war and economic problems brought to a halt and in some areas even reversed the major advances made in educational provision in the early 1980s , and like crises elsewhere , often sharpened inequalities and exacerbated existing difficulties .
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