Example sentences of "in [verb] [pos pn] [noun pl] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 We discuss and enjoy celebrating the seasonal festivals such at Christmas , Easter and Harvest , when we join with the rest of the Junior School in bringing our gifts for the sick , and those in need in the neighbourhood of the School .
2 The Pope is affirming here that women have work to do not only in the Church , but also in using their gifts for the good of society .
3 Point of sale systems supplier Riva Group Plc has succeeded in stemming its losses for the year to December 31 by drastic cost-cutting and leaving unprofitable market sectors .
4 Yamamoto and his staff had already spent time and effort in training their men for the attack .
5 In developing its plans for the redeployment of the Army , the General Staff were faced with three major difficulties : lack of genuine air mobility ; loss of overflying rights over Arab countries and restricted overflying of the Indian subcontinent due to India 's ‘ non-aligned ’ stance and Pakistan 's natural sympathy for Moslem Arab Nationalism ; and the justifiable reluctance in Whitehall to build up new overseas bases .
6 In framing its policies for the future , we hope that the Council will fully acknowledge the importance of the land use planning system , something which is not clearly enough stated in Threshold 21 .
7 Consequently , in exercising its powers for the purposes of defining the conditions for the grant of its ‘ nationality ’ to a ship , each member state must comply with the prohibition of discrimination against nationals of member states on grounds of their nationality .
8 Without autonomous change in tastes , or in technological possibilities , or in the availability of resources , no one can have any interest in altering his plans for the succeeding period .
9 Parents have a crucial role to play in preparing their children for an independent adult life but may in practice unwittingly inhibit that progress .
10 In preparing our views for the Government we felt one of the most pressing needs was to explain what the National Sustainability Plan is and why it is important , to a wider audience of opinion- formers and decision-takers in Wales .
11 In preparing our views for the Government we felt one of the most pressing needs was to explain what the National Sustainability Plan is and why it is important , to a wider audience of opinion- formers and decision-takers in Wales .
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