Example sentences of "in [noun] that have [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some poor people live in houses that have become valuable through changes in the local property market .
2 In addition , it was noted that people in communities that have experienced long-term unemployment are often criticised for lacking the will to work .
3 Simple laboratory tests were able to show the acutely toxic effects of large doses of organochlorines , but it took years for high concentrations to accumulate in belugas that had consumed large quantities of lightly-contaminated food .
4 In studies that have considered all ages at presentation , anaemia affects about half of cases , although exact comparisons are difficult because of the different criteria that have been used to define anaemia .
5 Any book about the inner city in 1990 can not ignore this failure and must surely look at both the reality on the ground today and at the manner in which academic analysis has conceptualised these problems in ways that have facilitated this persistence .
6 It has been a lack of progress on other fundamental changes in society that has made effective implementation of either programme so difficult .
7 It struck a devastating blow at the presidency as an institution and gave powerful new impetus to the collapse of trust in government that had begun some years previously .
8 Mutations were notably more frequent in larger adenomas , in adenomas that had undergone focal malignant transformation , and in adenomas exhibiting severe dysplasia ( table ) .
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