Example sentences of "in [noun] [prep] which [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of a sale by auction the standard special conditions which incorporate , in turn , the standard conditions can be very simply adapted to the transaction , but remember to insert , in cases to which it will be applicable , a clause providing that the sale is subject to a reserve , unless you can rely on such a provision in the standard conditions , which by reference you incorporate in the special conditions of sale .
2 Officers seemed to gain easier exemption from building regulations and from restrictions on landlordism ; their attempts to influence judges in cases in which they might have only an indirect interest were also reported , in private , by judges .
3 In particular , I wish you well for the National Conference in March to which you will be rushing immediately after our meeting with the SMT on March 8th .
4 Bradford 's scientific contribution to the programme will be in the development of photocatalytic particles of high activity , in addition to which it will fulfill the management role of Project Coordination between the partners and with the E.C .
5 It is in three parts and the main physical bulk takes up at least three metres of shelf space , in addition to which there may be one metre of reference books and some local information on file or cards .
6 And all this merely supplements and whets the appetite for the serious nourishment of hot dogs and beer , in search of which you must leave your seat and descend below the stands .
7 They had been thinking of a job in Parma to which I would commute daily ; but this one sounded very interesting , something after my own heart .
8 I wondered what it was that could come between a husband and wife when their child killed herself away from home and in circumstances for which they could not hold themselves in any way responsible .
9 The local authority , the Croydon London Borough Council , had applied to the justices in circumstances to which I will refer for an interim care order .
10 The Court of Appeal concluded that this was a case of deliberate and secret action by the employees and the defendants in circumstances in which they must have known the exact result of what they were doing and must have known it was wrong .
11 With respect to Lloyd L.J. , when the creditor is content to leave it to the debtor to obtain the surety 's signature in circumstances in which it should have been aware that undue influence might come into play , it is not necessary to establish that the debtor was acting as agent for the bank .
12 Some 2.7 million people still live in affected areas--400,000 of them in areas made unfit for human habitation because of radiation levels or in areas from which they should have been moved .
13 The Mersey Docks and Harbour Board was a public-trust authority which was becoming rapidly insolvent , yet there was no way in law in which it could go into liquidation .
14 While the consortium had offered to put up £2,500 million in private capital the project would also have involved ERL taking over a £1,000 million government loan already allocated to BR to improve commuter services along the route , a further £400 million investment by BR ( in exchange for which it would have had a 50 per cent stake in commuter services along the route ) and a government " capital grant " of £500 million .
15 In any case , additional costs will represent a small percentage of the overall costs of safety regulations , in exchange for which there will be access to a very much wider market . ’
16 Fourth , many participants frankly admitted that they had very low expectations at the outset : specifically that the course was simply designed to punish them , in return for which they would give the minimum amount of attention possible .
17 They would chat and flirt with the legionnaires , making them buy champagne and other expensive drinks , in return for which they would provide female company and , if they found the legionnaire attractive , they would sleep with them .
18 He asked his players for their loyalty to him , in return for which he would do his best to improve their conditions .
19 In chains he tells the Sanhedrin itself about the one name in heaven by which we must be saved .
20 Thus , for instance , Jeremy Lever QC in a recent article referred to ‘ the lack of recitals to United Kingdom legislation and the rule that reports of parliamentary debates are inadmissible as aids to construction , in consequence of which there may be no way in which the objects of United Kingdom legislation can be readily ascertained by our courts . ’
21 It became more of a defensive round , seldom in positions from which he could attack the hole and three-putting both the 11th and 15th .
22 The first of these concerns the attempt to construct a general theoretical framework in terms of which we can answer the ‘ limited ’ particular questions of the second .
23 This suggests that what Mill may have meant in saying that one pleasure is of higher quality than another is that it may be pleasanter without there being a quantifiable relation between them , in terms of which there must be some amount of the second which is as worth while , in hedonic terms , as the first .
24 Because beliefs about ourselves are self-fulfilling , these people will continue to find themselves in situations in which they can prove themselves right .
25 Whenever we compare two or more people , we can discover a variety of attributes in respect of which they may be equal or unequal .
26 Such acceptance will be subject to contract save in respect of the provisions of paragraphs … , … and … in respect of which there shall be a legally binding obligation between the Managers [ on behalf of themselves and [ name of company incorporated to effect acquisition ] ] and yourselves .
27 He followed the principles set out in the Gillian case and concluded that a local authority had a ‘ governing reputation ’ capable of being damaged by libellous statements in respect of which it might sue for injury to reputation without the need to prove damage to its property .
28 A corporation has an artificial persona and consequently there are certain allegations in respect of which it can not sue .
29 ‘ You will add great distinction to the office in ways to which I could not aspire ; but I fear you will find a great deal of the work here work which does not really interest you . ’
30 Most planners and managers , though they pay lip-service to the idea that users should have some influence on the way services develop , do not in fact involve users very much in the planning process , and there is no service in Britain to which I can point at present were users get anywhere near having a significant influence .
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