Example sentences of "in [noun] [vb pp] about [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Benefits of this system include an improvement in urban fuel economy of between 8 and 14 per cent , remarkably stable idling with a reduction from 900 rpm to 825 rpm and a consequent gain in comfort and also a reduction in pollution brought about by the lower fuel consumption .
2 None the less , it is clear both that they are substantial and that they have to be offset against any putative gains in efficiency brought about by the internal market .
3 It is the drastic reduction in kinship links , and especially those supporting the elderly , consequent upon the fall in fertility brought about by the one-child policy , which makes the project significant to the ageing process in the world 's oldest political society .
4 Three padded pneumonia jackets , worn to combat the crisis of this dreaded disease , point to the revolution in treatment brought about since the arrival of penicillin and antibiotics .
5 In crude terms improvements in accessibility brought about by the Channel Tunnel will reduce transport costs and thus make remoter regions more competitive .
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