Example sentences of "in [noun] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Thus , it has been suggested that ‘ [ s ] hort-termism may not be so much a product of the mispricing of assets , … but more a reflection of contractual failures in securities markets in part brought on by the takeover process .
2 Although a researcher in a particular discipline , that is to say in a particular academic culture , will work within conventions of enquiry defined by that discipline , these will obviously in part be shared by other disciplines and in part shared also by the wider community within which the academic culture is located .
3 It is mainly to adult adventure stones that they must look for the romantic and chivalric manifestations of love towards which they reach in adolescence ; such feelings are by convention regarded as unseemly and unsuitable in books written specifically for the young .
4 The chorographer ( though not Reyce ) points out : ‘ That p't of the countrye that is nere unto the sea is nothing so fruiffull neyther so comodious for cattell as the other but more fitte for sheepe and come , ’ and so contained many more 20s. men — upwards of 43 per cent in Blything hundred , and more than twice as many as in townships situated wholly on the clay .
5 Active hegemony in effect operated only on the moderate right wing of Labour , that ‘ intellectual group most congenial to the majority of Trade Union leaders ’ ( ibid. p 181 ) .
6 or the State , everything was in effect handed over to the UndergrounD Group , under a new name .
7 The earliest military site at Corbridge lies west of the Roman town at Red House , where a large Agricolan supply base and works depot was discovered in excavations carried out before the construction of the new bypass .
8 The Metropole is the only hotel in Bellagio situated right on the lakeside , as well as being in the village centre , it is in fact one of the finest locations in Bellagio .
9 In experiments carried out on the land , crop yields of beet and clover were half of those on the field treated with manure .
10 This is one of the conclusions of a family of arguments in Wittgenstein known collectively as the private language argument .
11 Benefits of this system include an improvement in urban fuel economy of between 8 and 14 per cent , remarkably stable idling with a reduction from 900 rpm to 825 rpm and a consequent gain in comfort and also a reduction in pollution brought about by the lower fuel consumption .
12 None the less , it is clear both that they are substantial and that they have to be offset against any putative gains in efficiency brought about by the internal market .
13 Well another physical challenge in midfield seen there by the referee and Forest get the free kick and the ball was rolling when Pearce took it .
14 A detailed study of medical staffing in Europe carried out by the Permanent Working Group of European Junior Hospital Doctors has shown that the substantial medical unemployment that exists in some parts of Europe is likely to decline sharply after 2000 and that many countries , and Europe as a whole , will face a shortage of doctors before 2010 .
15 The investment made by such wholesale funeral furnishers would have been fairly steep , yet they were able to recoup on their capital outlay through hire charges , which were in turn passed on by the undertaker to the client .
16 It is the drastic reduction in kinship links , and especially those supporting the elderly , consequent upon the fall in fertility brought about by the one-child policy , which makes the project significant to the ageing process in the world 's oldest political society .
17 [ 2 ] The outcome was compared in babies operated on with the traditional light general anaesthesia and in those who received analgesics before , during and after the operation .
18 I thought this was quite a plus actually , because we were able to get away with murder during the beginning , in some ways doing things that on paper looked very expensive but in reality balanced out over the year we were scheduled . ’
19 Another consortium headed by London-based Deminex , will drill a neighbouring block , in fields divided up by the Department of Trade and Industry .
20 By triggering the unit manually , rotary control VR2 could be calibrated and a scale of operating time in seconds marked out on the front panel .
21 Three padded pneumonia jackets , worn to combat the crisis of this dreaded disease , point to the revolution in treatment brought about since the arrival of penicillin and antibiotics .
22 In crude terms improvements in accessibility brought about by the Channel Tunnel will reduce transport costs and thus make remoter regions more competitive .
23 The workers in gold spilled out of the Goldsmiths ' Bazaar and into the surrounding streets and alleyways .
24 She was on the point of fleeing from the building , and was in fact pressed up against the door , listening intently for any sounds outside , when footsteps approached rapidly .
25 Figures for juvenile crime in England and Wales have in fact fallen dramatically in the past ten years , with convictions and cautions for boys aged 10-16 down by almost 50 per cent since 1981 and similarly for girls between 10 and 13 .
26 We will not entertain it sir , because it raises a whole host of wider and different issues , many of which we in fact considered yesterday in the context of Stockton , if you will recall .
27 The war was in fact fought largely in the Mediterranean and is best remembered for the execution of Admiral Byng , in March 1757 , for his failure to protect British-held Minorca .
28 But Jesus ' criticisms were in fact directed not at the laws , but at the way the rabbis had interpreted them .
29 ( 1970 ) , working in the Dry Valleys oasis area of McMurdo Sound ( and using techniques that would later be used for detecting life on Mars ) , reported small populations of bacteria in samples taken even from the driest and least promising areas .
30 In a recent special study of car theft in Belfast carried out by The Extern Organisation the make and model of stolen cars was examined as well as the time and place of the theft .
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