Example sentences of "in [noun] [adj] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These guides are not absolutely essential ( the outline on nutrition in Chapter 4 tells you all you really need to know about healthy eating ) , but they can be very interesting ; the better ones give information about foods under specific brand names .
2 Piloting recognition tests for films gathered in Study 1 made it clear that for subjects who know Cambridge moderately well recognizing a particular Cambridge junction from among distractors is relatively easy , thus to avoid ceiling effects it was decided to use multiple different films of various individual junctions as recognition stimuli .
3 A complicating factor in all this was that despite the opposition of the Eastern District Council , expressed both before and after the decision had been taken , Cambridge University Extra-Mural Board resolved in December 1955 to withdraw its resident tutors from some of the counties it served .
4 THE spontaneous and knowledgeable applause which greeted Charlie Swan when he rode into the winners enclosure at Navan in December 1992 said it all .
5 He denied two charges of abandoning the pets in circumstances likely to cause them unnecessary suffering on October 23 last year .
6 At a meeting in January 1990 to celebrate its 68th anniversary the Communist Party ( Partido Comunista de Chile — PCCh ) formally renounced its policy of " armed popular rebellion " .
7 Refugee groups were particularly disaffected and in January 1951 formed their own political party , the BHE , to represent their interests .
8 Dealers in Moscow were so enthusiastic about the chance to get their lubes and parts from a single supplier that BP and Unipart agreed to do a show together in May 1992 to introduce their joint service to a wider range of potential customers .
9 At first it was conjectured that Dorman-Smith had gone to London to obtain a new policy , but on 5 August it was announced that he had resigned ‘ for health reasons ’ and was to be succeeded by Major-General Sir Hubert Rance , whom Mountbatten had appointed in May 1945 to head his military administration after he fell out with the Civil Affairs officers who wanted to get rid of Aung San .
10 If the 1964 Cheltenham Gold Cup ( see pages 26–8 ) was Arkle 's coronation , the Gallaher Gold Cup at Sandown Park in November 1965 produced his greatest individual performance , an astonishing burst of acceleration which demolished any lingering doubts about his exceptional quality .
11 The Ukraine determined in October 1991 to have its own 400,000-strong army .
12 The British embassy in August 1945 did its best to summarize the mixed feelings with which Washington viewed Britain .
13 He returned to Poland in August 1990 to finance his own campaign , but many questions about his background and his backers remained unanswered .
14 People have been shown ( 1 ) to prefer proximity to kin ( presumably , the better to help them ) , ( 2 ) to actually help their kin ( presumably in ways likely to enhance their reproductive success ) , and ( 3 ) to produce more children and grandchildren when they live close to and/or are helped by kin .
15 Thus the Community Relations and Neighbourhood Units in Easton each have their own offices and their own sergeants ( but not inspector ) , are free from the obligation of responding to logged calls from central control , and can decide for themselves their priorities and programmes .
16 Once an atom has been identified , it is in principle possible to define its effective charge by observing the chemical shift between its core lines and those of a similar atom in a standard environment .
17 The drawing in Fig. 575 incorporates its existing state with that of the original structure as shown in the model in the castle .
18 The accident estimates from Study 2 as shown in Table 4.6 make it clear that subjects do rely on the precise conditions in the film viewed when making accident estimates for a junction , even though most subjects previously knew the junctions concerned .
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