Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun sg] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We found little evidence for the existence of an intrinsic colon permeability defect in ulcerative colitis regardless of disease activity , which has been proposed after studies with oral 9 9 m Tc-DTPA and 5 1 Cr-EDTA .
2 Colquhoun ( 1981 : 130 ) is also concerned to expose the limitations of semiotic studies of objects based on Saussure , but in this case mainly with respect to their synchronicity , attempting to characterize several differences of objects from language in the way in which architectural styles change .
3 The semantic remotivation characteristic of parody is accomplished in this instance not by exaggeration , but by the repetition of an ‘ equivalent ’ message in two different contexts .
4 and my Lord you 'll of noticed that in paragraph erm er thirty er they talk about the importance of taking the community interest into account and have proper guarantees and in this instance overleaf on page five , forty four , er they talk about the financial risk to the community , this of course was in the agricultural
5 The remaining colleges of higher education , approximately thirty in number , have their courses validated by the CNAA and , although the movement in this direction away from university validation has slowed down considerably , it is likely to continue for some time to come .
6 These modem developments contrast with the situation earlier in this century when for example there was no bridge between Benbecula and North and South Uist , and crossings had to be made across the beach at low tide .
7 ‘ Facsimile transmission of hard copy documentation began in this country just after World War II but was not really exploited until the late ‘ sixties and even then very limited in numbers and versatility .
8 The main example of the first is Habermas ' Theory and Practice ( 1974 ) , which has had some influence in this country mainly on education , social work and the ‘ caring ’ professions , particularly at the radical edge .
9 His racist views will be rejected by all the people in this country regardless of party .
10 ( 3 ) The wife shall not so long as the husband shall punctually make the payments hereby agreed to be made commence or prosecute against the husband any matrimonial proceedings other than proceedings for dissolution of marriage but upon failure of the husband to make the said weekly payments as and when the same become due the wife shall be at full liberty on her election to pursue all and every remedy in this regard either by enforcement of the provisions hereof or as if this agreement had not been made.n So far as we know , the parties have remained apart ever since .
11 Your friend awaits you , I think , ’ he added , nodding towards the courtyard where Iris was standing beside Melissa 's car , and speaking for the first time in faultless English instead of French .
12 A special set of glassware should be designated for media preparation , rinsed and soaked in double-distilled water immediately after use , washed in double-distilled water only and dried in a hot oven .
13 Close ties with a medical publisher had enabled us to monitor early attempts to move from a traditional print-based publishing enterprise to new technologies : laser-disc publication had proved wasteful and made too many demands of staff with no experience in editing or marketing such material , let alone its production ; on-line database publication drawing on the company 's range of printed publications , many of which were in electronic form anyway before imprisonment on paper , proved more compatible with existing operations and more amenable to the skills of existing staff .
14 Suppose every time one of your subordinates turns in completed work ahead of time you react by giving him a whole load more , what may happen ?
15 ONE way , I guess , to sustain a man 's interest further than a quick bonk in a lay-by is to make it absolutely plain from the start that you are not interested in instant sex out of gratitude for a pizza and a couple of glasses of Italian white .
16 Medical sources of information have helped to clarify trends in violent crime especially in relation to unreported domestic and street violence and have identified causes of injury more precisely .
17 Target business to be run in ordinary course up to completion with no material changes in trading performance or net assets .
18 For it must be remembered that Divitiacus does not seem to have been in perfect command either of Greek or of Latin .
19 She was among the leading British singers of her generation , in constant demand particularly in oratorio and concert works .
20 These were Milhaud , Poulenc and Auric whose music greatly influenced many later composers such as William Walton and Constant Lambert , many of their works remain in constant use today as witness MacMillan 's moving interpretation of Poulenc 's Gloria .
21 Four generations of Glynns , and the fourth of the dynasty had got himself murdered in his own office ; no heat-of-the-moment crime either , but a carefully planned murder executed in cold blood out of hatred , or fear , or obsessive greed .
22 It did n't do him a lot of good in the early er in the early days , but er it did stand him in good stead later of course because he became er er a full-time official o of the er Notts area N U M.
23 The application of the reasonableness test is examined in more detail later at Chapter 6 , 2 ; for the present , suffice to say that it is difficult , if not impossible , to predict what clauses will satisfy the reasonableness test , but a clause which appears reasonable is less likely to provoke a challenge than one which appears less reasonable .
24 The next step is to ensure that they are receiving all the State benefits to which they are entitled ( a subject we shall be examining in more detail later in Chapter 5 ) and that any capital they have is being invested wisely and safely .
25 The relationship of small mammal diversity , as reflected in prey diversity , to habitat richness is of greater significance in this respect , and this will be considered in more detail below in connection with species representation of small mammals in prey assemblages .
26 9.5 Effect of waiver Each of the Tenant 's covenants shall remain in full force both at law and in equity notwithstanding that the Landlord shall have waived or released temporarily any such covenant or waived or released temporarily or permanently revocably or irrevocably a similar covenant or similar covenants affecting any other part of the Centre or the Adjoining Property This provision is an attempt to circumvent the rather harsh law of waiver , by which a landlord will lose its right to forfeit the lease where a non-continuing breach has occurred if the landlord does some act to suggest that the landlord is nevertheless satisfied to continue the tenancy , eg by accepting rent from the tenant .
27 The matter has been handled in meticulous detail both by Hare and Macfarlane , and only the most salient points can be noted here .
28 Babies who might be in severe pain soon after birth are certain to be severely diseased babies .
29 It is impossible to study processes in physical environment independently of time although timeless and timebound approaches have been distinguished ( Chorley , 1966 ) .
30 Very gregarious , gathering in huge flocks to water between 0700 and 0900 hours , and in hot weather again in evening .
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