Example sentences of "a few [noun pl] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The talking went on for a few moments then the sudden , all too familiar , sound of a mortar bomb leaving the barrel .
2 The sight of a photograph of a cancerous lung causes me to shrink with disgust from the very thought of smoking ; a few hours later the physical craving revives , obliterates the memory , and causes me to smoke again .
3 Only a few hours earlier an unexpected Meeting Notice had been issued , the agenda being simply ‘ To consider the conduct of Major H. R. Maxim ’ .
4 otherwise you 'll put a few spaces then a new line and this will go .
5 At the climax to the debate a few minutes ago the hon. Member for Cunninghame , South ( Mr. Lambie ) was addressing a single Labour Back Bencher .
6 A few minutes ago the hon. Member for Bristol , East ( Mr. Sayeed ) attacked my hon. Friend the Member for Bristol , South ( Ms. Primarolo ) for being absent from the Chamber for the statement .
7 A few minutes ago an old man came to my office .
8 At about 7.45 ( ship time ) , they heard a major explosion and a few minutes later a searing hot blast of gas roared over St Pierre and the ships lying off shore , capsizing the steam ship Grappler , and rolling the Roraima so severely that she lost all her masts and smokestacks .
9 Puzzled , the girl went off , and a few minutes later a grey haired woman in black entered the cubicle .
10 A few minutes later the elderly owner of ‘ Primrose Cottage ’ was on the phone .
11 A few days ago an unco-operative van would have sent him back indoors in a state of deep despair .
12 A few days ago an elderly gentleman came into a Dublin suburban office with a bouquet of flowers and presented it to a female staff member .
13 It will be the first time that the Unita leader has met a British minister , and only a few days ago the Angolan ambassador in London was assured by a Foreign Office official that there were no plans for such a meeting .
14 In a short time you 'll receive your new multipoint cashcard , and just a few days later a Great Escapes brochure displaying over 180 excellent hotels to choose from , together with your two FREE Great Escapes vouchers .
15 A few days later a Soviet commentary from Kabul indicated the limits of such ‘ neutrality ‘ in asserting that the PDPA ’ will remain the chief mobilising and guiding force in the [ Afghan ] government of national unity , even after it becomes a coalition ’ .
16 He returned a few days later a broken man .
17 A few days later a secret summit meeting of top Chinese and Vietnamese leaders took place in China , at which Cambodia was reportedly discussed in great detail [ see pp. 37712-13 ] .
18 A few days later a local man , George Fleming , wrote to Sir William to tell him that Mr. Millford had quitted all his pretensions in the le Fleming mines at Coniston to John Shaw , and that the next day Millford left the country !
19 A few days later the victorious army entered Addis Ababa and paraded before the Empress Zauditu on Jan Meda , that great open space where Menelik had reviewed his troops .
20 But a few days later the Soviet Government organ admitted that ‘ possibly neutralisation would be conducive to the creation of a system of collective security in Asia ’ and that ‘ the proposal for this system is cherished by all those who seek the normalisation of the situation in Asia ’ .
21 A few days later the national press carried the headlines that the UM plants in the Midlands had now been made idle as a consequence of the Merseyside strike .
22 A few days later the previous owners sent her pedigree and a short letter , explaining that their grandchildren were to blame for Sorrel 's temper .
23 Speaking at an Amnesty International meeting in Blackpool , Mr Waldegrave said that up to a few years ago the Soviet Union 's record was appalling and its policy unyielding .
24 A few years ago the French would come through the tunnel for an evening at Filippo 's , said Gioachino .
25 A few years ago an old Aboriginal woman named Lardie Moonlight died in Boulia , a small town in western Queensland .
26 Purcell declared that in his first set of trio sonatas he had ‘ faithfully endeavour 'd a just imitation of the most fam 'd Italian Masters ’ , and a few years later a French writer , Le Cerf de La Viéville , complained bitterly of ‘ cette fureur de composer des sonates á la manière italienne ’ .
27 A few years earlier the reddish-yellow Sheeted Somerset , which probably became extinct before 1890 , had been described as a mainly polled breed remarkable for nothing except its coat pattern : the belted pattern became popular among those who liked decorative livestock in their parks .
28 Today she said : ‘ Naturally job losses tend to be highlighted but just a few weeks ago a new business opened creating 80 jobs .
29 At the moment we are also paying for a specialist company to provide address labels in postcode order ( to quality for Presstream ) because until a few weeks ago the National Office computer could not do this task .
30 If it is some time since you last exercised on a regular basis , spend a few weeks following a gentle stretching and warming-up routine .
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