Example sentences of "a few [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd tacked a few scraps of old cotton into a baby-gown too and sent it round next door for the new Rattrie baby , born very inconveniently , as it turned out , the day after the funeral , her fit of generosity entirely misplaced , since the child had only lived a few hours and the gown — upon which Odette had worked a few hasty stitches of embroidery — had ended up in the pawnshop — Cara had seen it herself in the window — to help pay , she supposed , for yet another infantile disposal .
2 ‘ The national media attention given to Pwllheli , in the run-up to the final decision , must be worth a few million pounds in advertising terms alone . ’
3 The net result of this activity was to create a national grain market , with trade no longer centred on a few major points of collection , transit , and marketing .
4 They say that as the meeting was drawing to its conclusion , everyone was waiting for a certain person to utter a few graceful words by way of a thank-you to the summit host , Mr Mitterrand .
5 It had been a wet May with a few scarce hours of sunshine at the beginning of the month and little since , but today the grey skies that had hung over the land like a shroud had broken , and high white clumps of cloud were bowling swiftly across the blue sky betokening a day of good weather .
6 On our drizzly recce day another stunning ‘ climb-me ’ crackline had got a few hearts fluttering — a beautiful , curving hand crack as a main course , a direct finish for dessert and a few spaced rings for spice .
7 Those scavengers living their entire lives in those caverns underneath Kefalov were merely an extreme example of segmented vision — their whole cosmos reduced to a few cubic kilometres of debris .
8 For the cost of a few cubic feet of topsoil , the garden can be terraced excitingly onto , say , three levels .
9 It 's sometimes limited if the winds are strong and we have only a few experienced sailors on holiday .
10 Because ‘ communication ’ is such a wide-ranging subject , this essay can do little more than survey a few distinct areas of study .
11 A large symphony orchestra is even more instructive , since for some works there may be a few hundred musicians on stage playing together .
12 However , the furore which surrounded the release of a few hundred tonnes of intervention beef in England — an amount equivalent to less than a tenth of one per cent of the mountain — suggests the idea of simply selling beef cheaply to the European consumers who paid for it would be a difficult option .
13 This is much higher than the typical velocities of galactic masers ( less than a few hundred kilometres per second ) .
14 As Pavel stepped out onto the asphalt , he could see the take off of a Cathay Pacific 747 through the chainlink and across a few hundred feet of grass ; it seemed shockingly , dangerously close , and he turned his face away to look toward the main building .
15 However , no more than about a dozen viruses have been produced on a commercial scale and only a few of these have been used on more than a few hundred hectares per year .
16 A few hundred years of respectability and the attitude was hardening .
17 In local studies , for instance , there is a local church , particularly if it is a fairly old village church with a few hundred years of history behind it .
18 ‘ Beyond this tower there is a garden laid out in the French style — some herb banks , a small rabbit warren , and a few hundred bushes of boxwood . ’
19 First he came across the reserve trenches a few hundred yards in front of the hospital tents , known as the ‘ hotel area ’ as they were a quarter of a mile behind the front line , where each soldier spent four days without a break before being allowed four days of rest in the reserve trenches .
20 In England and Wales we are singularly placed to appreciate the relationship of scenery and structure , for few other parts of the earth 's surface show in a similar small area so great a diversity of rock types and of landscape features : " Britain is a world by itself " ; its mountains are not high , nor its rivers long , but within a few hundred miles of travel from east to west one may see more varieties of scenery than are to be found in many bigger countries .
21 Sometimes , even on the strictest of diets , allowing only a few hundred calories per day , it seems impossible to shift even a small amount of weight per week .
22 A few odd days of film work slotted neatly round that weekend , leaving her no ready excuse apart from cowardice .
23 It was too late in the year for daffodils and tulips but there were a few cardboard boxes of cut flowers stacked on a trolley waiting for the Peterborough train .
24 She gained a few necessary pounds in weight too , and it was all due to the quiet and calm of the house , Marguerite 's soothing presence and an entirely unexpected sense of peace and belonging .
25 Between the two examinations he spent a few necessary days of recuperation at Swindon , spending some time with Dad Uzzell .
26 I knew a few useful words of Russian .
27 It extended the web of relationships under the mantle of a few comprehensive terms of relationship connoting close , primordial loyalties .
28 The effectiveness of metaphors of the type in which inanimates are treated as animate is shown in passages of narratorial description where they are deployed in a fully developed form , for example in a lengthy passage where the pre-Copernican view of the universe ( which still pervades the English language ) is exploited and combined with the peoples ' perception of animacy in all things : " The moon rose slowly and almost vertically into a sky where there was nothing but a few spilled traces of cloud .
29 So , except during a few warm days in summer , a white coat would seem to put its wearer at a disadvantage .
30 Up another row of stairs and Corbett followed Benstede into a small , grim chamber with a bed of straw in the comer , a trestle table , a badly-lit brazier and a few rough stools for comfort .
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