Example sentences of "a most [adj] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although this may seem to be of more interest to a mountaineer it does give a most convincing sense of reality to his hills and this without a sterile exactitude .
2 We have noted already the fact that her passing coincided with a most virulent attack of cholera : no fewer than two thousand people in London succumbed to it in one single week in that September of 1849 .
3 Another reason is that when processes are understood at the molecular level then there is at once a natural link to chemistry , a most powerful body of knowledge to advance further understanding .
4 Your article , Facts about Phosphate by Philip Hunt , was a most informative piece of work .
5 This is a most pathetic piece of pontification , even if we appreciate that modern artists are some of the greatest censors of art ( i.e. Rauschenberg erasing de Kooning ) .
6 Hospice administrator Deidre Shaw said : ‘ Our shop is a most essential source of income and can only operate well if it is given support by the public .
7 The Open University was also the subject of debate between Alix Bowen and Teddy Lazenby of the Department of Education and Science : Alix 's face was expressing a most delicate mixture of disbelief , disapprobation and polite attention as Teddy , somewhat indiscreetly presuming on their long , if long-interrupted , acquaintance , revealed what were clearly his own opinions on the inadvisability of wasting money on the education of housewives and taxi drivers .
8 These areas of activity are dealt with in detail elsewhere in this report but I am very pleased in this foreword to highlight a most successful year of achievement — a year which owed so much to the inspiration given to use all by those who saved the Nation in 1940 .
9 And this is borne out by the fact that although the outward forms of creatures can be bred into a most amazing degree of variety , as we find in the domestic dog , the inner instincts remain very much the same .
10 Here for instance is her rendering of Emma Woodhouse 's thoughts , having just received a most unwelcome proposal of marriage from Mr Elton whom she had supposed to be in love with her protégée , Harriet , as a result of her own matchmaking contrivances :
11 I have not yet come across in the US anything like our Scotch cookie , a most desirable item of teabread .
12 Traditionally , local councillors have filled this role and there is no doubt that they still remain a most vital source of redress for citizen complaints .
13 He had performed a most notable feat of navigation , of which anyone might be justifiably proud , in bringing the ship straight here after eleven weeks without sighting land .
14 An aged woman , said Dr. Goldsmith , had been admitted in a most horrible condition of neglect .
15 So he experienced society from the bottom up , before talent and determination made room at the top for him : ‘ That was a most valuable bit of education for which I shall always be grateful both to my bourgeois ancestry as well as to the regime , ’ he was to say later .
16 Another gave us his wartime petrol coupons , an early tram ticket , and – a most valuable piece of ephemera this year – some bound copies of a gorgeously-illustrated old magazine called ‘ The Graphic ’ .
17 But as the limits of the human memory did not enable men to retain beyond a very limited number of names ; and even if it had , as it would have required a most inconvenient portion of time , to run over in discourse , as many names of individuals , and of individual qualities , as there is occasion to refer to in discourse , it was necessary to have contrivances of abridgment .
18 Accompanied by Sophia Rahman , he made a most imaginative choice of programme — the surprisingly neglected Schumann A minor Sonata , Dallapiccola 's Two Studies and , best of all , Szymanowski 's Nocturne and Tarantella .
19 Confrontation of issues and attitudes will be polite and respectful in a professional manner but it may nonetheless be a very painful process that would not in customary terms be considered friendly , although in truth it is a most fundamental act of friendship from one human being to another .
20 our trusts and syndicates do take part in the combined state apparatus , and their policy forms a most important part of state power .
21 Oswiu 's appointment of Chad to Paulinus ' former bishopric at York instead of Lindisfarne represents a most important change of direction on the king 's part , and his immediate dispatch of Chad to Kent suggests a desire to renew an older relationship with the archiepiscopal community there .
22 This dual role , which must surely be unique , is a most welcome example of cooperation between a university and a further education college .
23 The interesting Occasional Paper by Russell Ashmore regarding the use of Section 5(4) ( August 26 ) refers to patients remaining in psychiatric institutions , and is a most welcome piece of research work .
24 Although nature is infinitely diverse and the techniques and approaches used for its study are widely varied , a most obvious feature of science seems to be that it is concerned with the dismantling of superfluous structure , and the description of nature 's many facets in the simplest possible terms .
25 It is a most beautiful piece of cookery literature .
26 It was a task she devoted herself to while Ted with a most ungentlemanly violence of language put the car into reverse and tried to back up the lane .
27 He had never questioned either her motives or her decisions , allowing her a most aristocratic freedom of movement far beyond anything her middle-class upbringing in general and her life with her father in particular had encouraged her to expect .
28 He immediately realized that this was a most unusual kind of cat and started a breeding programme .
29 A most unusual design of aqueduct is the one built at Aspendos .
30 While they were en route back to base at the end of December , there was a most puzzling exchange of correspondence between staff officers at MEHQ and Eighth Army Headquarters that sheds some light on how Stirling went about his business .
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