Example sentences of "and now [pers pn] do not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So we 've drawn the graph and now we do n't have to keep calcul I mean this is easy it' probably easier to work it out in your head then to especially with these figures .
2 I think there will be many differences in our education system now , we do n't know what er system we take from West Germany as you know , we have to overtake nearly everything and we have to lose many things which were quite good in our old system and now we do n't have the chance to er to bring it into the connection between East and West Germany , so that is one problem .
3 The final word on Tony Iommi 's custom-built JD guitar has to come from John Diggins himself : ‘ Apart from the fact that Tony 's been threatening to take me out for a drink ever since I 've known him , things have changed a lot , and now we do n't get the time to get together any more .
4 Unfortunately the label came detached from the image and now we do n't know who painted it !
5 Unfortunately the label came detached from the image and now we do n't know who painted it !
6 ‘ It would seem that for too many years little or no research was done on TB and now we do n't seem to have the answers when the questions are being asked .
7 Indulgent parents bought their children terrapins and now they do n't want them .
8 Equally , everybody knows why everybody stays , they 've been through all the arguments a hundred times before and now they do n't need to any more , now they know they 're not to blame and their husbands are n't the homicidal maniacs some theorists would have them be .
9 I have seen away supporters being chased up the road into Pleck Park and but erm I think basically a lot of the trouble used to be caused by drink and now they do n't have any drink in the ground they er they , they seem to have cracked that one .
10 The King 's mail never seemed to catch up with him , and now I did n't want Charlie to find out what I had been up to until I had the chance to witness his reaction for myself .
11 ‘ I drank all the drink myself so that he could n't have it , and now I do n't feel terribly well . ’
12 And now I do n't suppose I ever will . ’
13 And now I do n't know .
14 When you looking for things and now I do n't know where they are !
15 But then I thought , they 're recognising something about my pictures or the place , and now I do n't mind ’ .
16 And now I do n't need lunch , ’ he added with consideration for the French taxpayer .
17 And now he does n't care about anybody .
18 so I have Sally , and , and er , her mum always cooks a meal in the evening so I , I do something like toasted cheese sandwiches or beans on toast or something like that at lunch time , but there was one time when she wanted peanut butter and , all her brother used to ask , I , her brother does n't come to me now , he stays at home cos he 's going on fifteen , and as he 's next door but one anyway , you know if , if anything goes wrong he can come along to me , but all he wanted was my homemade blackcurrant jam , and now he does n't come any more I 've got to actually give him
19 She had had every opportunity to be , for heaven 's sake , but she 'd never worked hard enough at it and now she did not feel like struggling with a foreign language to search for an item when she did not even know what she was looking for .
20 That would only upset Marguerite and now she did n't want that at all .
21 Her magical feelings had quite gone and now she did n't feel knee-deep in anything but annoyance .
22 She had lain down with her love — the enemy — and now she did n't know what was to become of her .
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