Example sentences of "and then [verb] into a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And then made into a stack ?
2 Each opens with thanks addressed to Jesus for the particular incident of the Passion under consideration and closes with a prayer which first applies this incident to aspects of the meditator 's own life and then modulates into a set pattern indicated by the Latin directives Pater Noster , Et ne nos , Adoramus , Aue [ Our Father , And [ lead ] us not , we praise , Hail ] .
3 He sprinkled water over the towel and then went into a paroxysm of agony , nursing the injured arm against his chest and holding out his other hand for money .
4 As he started to speak he heard the line go momentarily dead and then break into a callbox paytone .
5 He was asked to wait and then shown into a room where a detective sergeant prepared to take a statement from him .
6 Allow to cool undisturbed and then pour into a jar .
7 Mr Cottle blushed and then snorted into a handkerchief to hide his confusion .
8 Sophie looked at both her sons and then sank into a chair .
9 Seven people , including a mother and child , were killed when a lorry and van crashed and then ploughed into a Post Office today .
10 When the shipment arrived at Liverpool the colossal weight meant the containers had to be transported south rail and then off-loaded into a fleet of vehicles for the rest of the journey .
11 It will be no good just trying to aimlessly follow the action and then flop into a maul .
12 An Englishman is not easily persuaded to dine on snails with an Italian , on frogs with a Frenchman , or on horse-flesh with a Tartar , ’ and then leads into a discussion which philosophically connects the natural foods of nations with the natural development of man 's society .
13 Felix thought of Czechoslovakia and then careered into a fantasy of Ho Chi Minh gossiping about the minor members of the English Royal Family .
14 In this analysis , the different deoP2 promoters are cloned on a high copy number plasmid ( pUC13 ) and then introduced into a CytR + strain that contains a gene fusion between the cAMP-CRP/CytR regulated cdd promoter and lacZ on the chromosome .
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