Example sentences of "and can [adv] [verb] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Here there is a maze of rules about what you can and can not do and say but these are infinitely preferable to the alternative — control through official regulations and legislation .
2 And can not choose but put out what I write . ’
3 Ninety -nine gardeners in every hundred have to put up with the garden they have , facing the way it is , and can not pick and choose or move it around .
4 Moreover , as Sperber and Wilson ( 1986 ) have shown , all stylistic choices , whether they be choices among linguistically determined possibilities or decisions about degrees of explicitness , are governed by the aim of optimising relevance , and can not help but reveal the speaker 's assumptions about the hearer 's contextual resources and processing abilities.7 Consider the difference between [ 18a ] and [ 18b ] : There is no difference in import .
5 Within that new order Parliament is no longer all powerful and can not amend or repeal any statute by which that order was established .
6 This would lay down specifically when they can and can not play or rehearse .
7 Paradox 4.0 adds a Windows-like user interface to the MS-DOS relational database , power and performance gains , enhanced network performance and expanded Paradox Application Language ; it includes Query By Example for fast interactive database querying and can also store and retrieve Binary Large Objects in memo fields .
8 Yet Jonathon has athetoid cerebral palsy and can neither walk nor talk .
9 I have discussed the points you raised with my colleagues and can now respond as follows .
10 The matrix is now unc and after the six multiplications implied ( see ( 4 ) ) in unc it becomes unc Thus A — 0.2I has a zero eigenvalue ; we recover B by adding 0.2I and can then deflate and consider the reduced matrix unc Once again , to avoid repetitive labour in the example , we use hindsight : we now apply a shift of 0.4 and consider unc We require only one step ( four multiplications ) to reduce this to unc We now recover unc by adding 0.4I and deflate by omission of the last row and column : unc In any similar transform of unc the trace and determinant are unaltered .
11 It is totally sealed and spins at very high speeds and can therefore retrieve and store information very quickly .
12 What keeps most teachers going are these intermittent flashes of light , which they often hoard , like interesting shells found on a beach , and can proudly display if asked .
13 If the English do not like children , it is because they think they ought to behave properly , responsibly and quietly in their presence and can never riot or have a good time when they 're around .
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