Example sentences of "and so [pron] [verb] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And it keeps getting bigger and bigger , and so we keep coming back to complain about the size of the hotels and the lousy service , and STOP PUTTING CUCUMBER AND BUTTER ON MY F***ING SANDWICHES !
2 We all work and so we have to chip in .
3 However Steve decided it would be unfair for the winners to go without some kind of reward , and so he intends to pop round to show you his collection of ‘ Bunty ’ comics — expect him within the next 28 days .
4 Now we 've covered the basic techniques of sailing , the best way of putting them into practice is by sailing round the triangular course and so I 've laid out these three marks .
5 She did not respond to this , but stared at him , until he spoke again , saying , ‘ I 'd have been along before now , but I heard about me father the very day when we last spoke , and so I had to go off straightaway to Newcastle .
6 I began to realise that life like this could not last for ever and so I asked to go back to the Cheshire Home for a holiday .
7 It was all new to her , but the Indian seemed to know what he was talking about , and so she had gone along with him .
8 She would have liked to sleep again but found she could not and so she had to get up .
9 The Scarabae had been preying on her mind , as in patches they always did , and so she had conjured up the memory to fit a stranger .
10 And so it had gone on , generation after generation , Dowd changing his face on occasion ( a simple trick , or feit ) so as to conceal his longevity from the withering human world .
11 He 'd met up with a marvellous girl in Munster , anyway ; then a fully consenting Hausfrau from Hamburg … and so it had gone on .
12 I love pottery — and so it 's gone on .
13 And so it 's passed on to the person in the school or college responsible for that .
14 Positioned well away from the planned recreational activities , it promised to attract an abundance of wildlife — and so it has turned out .
15 And so it has gone on , although by the end of the 1980s it was evident that the patience of even a government as dedicated to the eventual triumph of nuclear power as Mrs Thatcher 's was showing signs of severe strain .
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