Example sentences of "and they [vb base] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They have an arrangement with the University and they have their own buildings , and they collaborate with the people here , mostly in Engineering .
2 Dr Macleod explains that these are ‘ chemical substances emitted by an animal or person and they act via the sense of smell .
3 … The judges deputed to the benchers of the societies the task of giving lectures , and examining into the sufficiency of the candidates , and of calling them to the Bar , but they are still mere voluntary societies ; and they act by the authority which the judges have delegated to them .
4 If the trial takes place before the magistrates and they come to the conclusion that the offence under section 54(1) is not made out , they are presently unable to convict of the offence of simple assault unless there is an additional information charging the common assault .
5 There are two reasons for this diversity : microphones have differing pick-up characteristics depending on their intended use ; and they differ in the ways in which they convert sound into electrical signals .
6 It 's all to do with marketing but then again it 's all to do with the reason for that is I suppose that 's what people want you know if they see a video er er if they watch a video on television and they listen to the song it has to add up you know , it ca n't just be a a story book of one thing and a song about another thing you know .
7 A shamanist philosophy helped to even the odds against them , and they spread through the Aleutian Islands and along the Arctic coast of North America ( Figure 7.1 ) , forming the distinctive northern folk formerly known as Eskimo , now called Inuit in recognition of their pan-Arctic racial identity .
8 All the loveliness , all the things they could do , on the shore , in the water , exploring the heathland , and they sit above the road breathing in fumes with a plastic bottle for a plaything .
9 K : ‘ The evenings are a very special time but I ca n't take Chloe to the park because there is a hostel for down-and-outs by it and they sit on the park benches drinking and shouting abuse .
10 What the ovules do is they stay in the grasses and they wait for the pollens to arrive .
11 Another species , however , has only about twenty young but provides them with more yolk each and they remain within the sac until they become froglets .
12 They wear lipstick , and shoes with high heels , and they walk down the road bravely , as if they 're not afraid of anything , as if the world is theirs , as if they have n't got mothers who seem to die a little every time they go out of the door .
13 Miracle Squares I think there 's a lot of thought gone into it you know , it ca n't be easy to re er to , to just dream up a game erm , I like the one about you go to the last supper and the waiter spills soup on your trousers , the waiter , ha tell you else about the Marx brothers an'all , the waiter is er the king of Snowdonia and it 's Groucho Marx , the , they 've got this massive hall , and er these big steps leading down into it you know and as , as they 're coming in there 's somebody at the top and Ann says who 's , who 's walking in and they walk down the stairs you know and Mr and Mrs and the king has you know and he says oh the king Snowdonia is about to arrive , he should be here any minute now , he should be here dead on this time you know , he gets these big fanfare trumpets up da , da , da , da , the king of Snowdonia , and there 's nothing and all of a sudden it flashes to Groucho Marx and then he 's in bed with
14 But once they have committed themselves to an investment or two , the potential of a larger portfolio appeals , and they plunge beyond the point of easy return .
15 And they keep to the house and garden , ’ I said .
16 They attribute it to the class differences in staying on at school and they point to the similarity in performance of working-class candidates who do take public examinations with other candidates .
17 For many writers this is indeed what had happened , and they point to the execution of Hastings on I 3 June as evidence that Hastings ( and perhaps by implication other members of the Yorkist establishment ) had made common ground with the Woodvilles against Gloucester .
18 For many writers this is indeed what had happened , and they point to the execution of Hastings on I 3 June as evidence that Hastings ( and perhaps by implication other members of the Yorkist establishment ) had made common ground with the Woodvilles against Gloucester .
19 If the new , friendlier systems do come onto the market , and if they 're bought as presents and so on , and they get into the homes and they get into the schools , then people will just learn to use them , and it 's the existing professionals who may have to change their habits to accommodate .
20 If the new , friendlier systems do come onto the market , and if they 're bought as presents and so on , and they get into the homes and they get into the schools , then people will just learn to use them , and it 's the existing professionals who may have to change their habits to accommodate .
21 The presbyterie taking the heignanseness of the crime in their consideration doe in odium fanti at terrorum allis appoint Mr. David Sympson his parish minister publickly to rebuke him for it before the congregation and then to take occasion to admonish the people against the evil of such practices and they recommend to the Baillie of Ila to put the acts of parliament against charmers in execution .
22 The presbyterie taking the heignanseness of the crime in their consideration doe in odium fanti at terrorum allis appoint Mr. David Sympson his parish minister publickly to rebuke him for it before the congregation and then to take occasion to admonish the people against the evil of such practices and they recommend to the Baillie of Ila to put the acts of parliament against charmers in execution .
23 And they help with the mortgage , is that what you 're saying ?
24 They had this very unhealthy large majority and they put before the House a Bill which offered total deregulation of shopping hours and to all intents and purposes stripped out nearly all the employment protection which has been a hallmark of Sunday trading legislation , certainly for the past century .
25 And they bore to the bluff , and alighted —
26 The judge would not have erred had he drawn attention to the circumstances ( which were in fact plain for all to see ) , but their Lordships reject the adoption of any rule which would impose new obligations on trial judges in their approach to the consideration of witnesses ' evidence and they refer to the judgment delivered by Ackner L.J .
27 Well trams Dave they do both , they go on the railway lines and they go through the town centre .
28 and they go over the fields .
29 You see lots of people find that they w they do best when they join a class and they go to the class , it 's there every week and th or maybe more than once a week and that keeps them going because they are , they 're expected , it 's a definite booking , and that 's it and they can go that way .
30 like that and they go round the windows .
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