Example sentences of "and he [verb] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Father used to do that , he would sit in the evening then and he had to scratch on this b it was a like a tin plate with a black sort of area to scratch
2 His patients were mainly Merseyside dockers and shipyard workers , and seamen injured at sea , and he had to deal with many severe accident cases .
3 They had drunk pots of strong black coffee and he had to leave at 8 .
4 He could not help feeling how kind it was of a fellow human being to accord him such deference , that the speaker must have a particularly sweet and generous nature , must love and honour him , and he had to struggle against this , he had to resist cravenly agreeing with whatever was said that preceded that ‘ sir ’ .
5 He is a small businessman and he likes to deal with small bankers .
6 Schiller had demonstrated the danger of space heating sales before nationalisation and he continued to dissent on that issue within the BEA headquarters , backed by a genuine concern to advance scientific knowledge in this area .
7 ‘ God 's own love has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given us , ’ says Paul in Romans 5:5 , and he rejoices to hear of that ‘ love in the Spirit ’ , which is to be found in the church at Colossae ( 1:8 ) .
8 Your great-grandfather was the most remarkable High King Ireland has ever known , Grainne ; he liked to listen to the talk of people from other cultures , and he liked to learn about other lands .
9 Not surprisingly , the rebellious streak in his nature surfaced , and he started to behave with studied rudeness .
10 He is more broad minded than the priest-administrator ; and he wants to succeed in this .
11 Mrs Dougan , who attended the court with her husband , added : ‘ I was a friend and he wanted to speak to one of his friends . ’
12 I looked at him helplessly and he vowed to return at ten .
13 Some are very inaccessible and he has to wade through thick mud to get at them .
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