Example sentences of "and he [verb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The cameraman then came on board and we left the quay ; we returned and he transferred to a motor boat to film us leaving the quay .
2 Calcavecchia , who defends the Open Championship here next summer , had never seen St Andrews before and he improved with every round .
3 He found himself looking up the skirts of a girl dancing by , and he rolled across the floor in an attempt to keep up with her .
4 Then she felt the coverlet being pulled off the bed and João was on top of her and his sweet breath was in her face and his mouth over her mouth ; he was forcing her legs apart until she thought she would split ; he was trying to lift them right up over his shoulders , and at the same time trying to enter where she was impossibly small , cursing at his lack of success and finally grunting and gasping , until she felt a little damp fountain on her belly and he rolled off the bed and pattered quickly from the room .
5 His ‘ conversion ’ came early in life and he taught in the Sunday School of a local chapel .
6 His eyes were wild , and he blew on a hunting horn .
7 His eyes opened in alarm , but before he could say anything his concentration lapsed and he dropped like a stone , vanishing behind the far end of the table .
8 ‘ How many more of you are- ’ he broke off with a stifled gasp as a hand clutched the skin exposed at the side of his neck by his wide and unbuttoned collar , and he folded to the ground .
9 Endill was still recovering from his journey in the basket lift and he followed behind the Headmaster without a word .
10 Ken Wolstenholme was never really lost to football after he left the Beeb and he commentated for a time on ITV 's Tyne Tees station and recently worked for Tottenham 's Clubcall line .
11 ‘ Two months , ’ commented Tom absently , and he gazed down the road remembering how he watched Willie 's thin little hunched body stumbling after Sammy on that first day .
12 In the semiological phase his work is inspired by the success of structural linguistics and he seizes upon the possibility of being able to offer an ordered analysis of meaning .
13 ‘ He is thinner than Hess , he is stupider than Hess , and he thinks like a peasant .
14 The author of The Jovial Cutlers , Joseph Mather , was himself a working cutler and he wrote for an audience of his fellows .
15 and he wrote on the label for a pill
16 Well , Edgar Wallace ( a writer not to be despised , as he sometimes is ) once said that vanity is at the back of most murders , and he had as a reporter covered many a murder trail .
17 He was dressed Yek style in a loose tunic and breeches , and he had on a surcoat which was stiff with gold embroidery .
18 Michael 's idol was Buster Keaton , and he had at the time studied Keaton more than I had , and said that he had never used a double .
19 Laurence Hazell , defending Disley , said this was his first and last offence and he apologised to the householder for the burglary .
20 The gruel was served up and a long grace was said over a short the gruel disappeared , the boys looked at each other and went over , while his next neighbours nudged him , tired as he was he was desperately hungry and he rest on the table and the master with his hands he said
21 If you roll a double on the 2D6 roll then the Fanatic has met with an accident , wrapping the chain around his neck , or perhaps his heart just gives out and he collapses to the ground .
22 She grasped his hips into hers , never to let him go , and he responded with the rhythm of love she craved so strongly .
23 ‘ I 'll think about it , ’ said Vernon , and he stumped up the steps with his polishing cloth and rubbed vigorously at the lion's-head knocker of the door .
24 He has a gorilla mask on and he talks with the voice of a baby and he has a huge syringe and I 'm tied to the seat screaming .
25 Through the window I see no star and he talks about the darkness , yes , good .
26 And he talks like a translation . ’
27 I struck him down , ’ moaned Jerome , ‘ and he fell across the path , and the cowl fell back from his head .
28 And the woman lost her brooch on the way back and she saw this man next morning , he was a policeman in , and he he was too fond of the drink , a and he he was on , he was a railway policeman , and he fell onto the rails , when the train was coming , nobody knows how he how he how he er he lost one arm er about there and the other one about there , both arms but he he survived it .
29 The stool he was standing on broke and he fell to the ground .
30 But the other merely advanced , and when he came up , put out a hand to touch the lady , whereupon our hero struck with all his might at his heart , and the glass splinter entered deeply and he fell to the ground .
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