Example sentences of "and he [verb] [adv] on the " in BNC.

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1 She released him and he fell back on the crumpled bedclothes to stare up at her at first blankly .
2 Of course , the Rolls-Royce limousine was his , and he rapped sharply on the window to waken the sleeping chauffeur .
3 We went swimming with Jonathan the other night and he got up on the top board and sort of and he was sort of like hanging on to the bar like this looking over
4 I was milking my goats in the field , and he got down on the ground and put his head near my foot .
5 He was shadowed everywhere in Sheffield , and he looked back on the experience as his most annoying transfer hid — particularly as it turned out to be one of his rare failures .
6 His geography was a mixture of fact and fantasy and he relied more on the Bible than on maps or mathematics .
7 The situation became funnier and funnier and he lay back on the bed shaken by deep gasps of laughter .
8 ‘ That 's it , then , ’ Joe said , and he lay back on the bed with the receiver to his ear and the handset held on his chest .
9 Pimpernel , it was true , was looking less than his usual yappy self-a smoky smell hung around him , and he lay gloomily on the bed , a chastened dog .
10 eleven forty six , he 's got them inside , I think I told you about this did n't I ? , and I was inside helping them out like , he was outside , he did n't have his gas mask , we were doing the things , like M B C stuff , and I 'm inside and he said right you will each go to a post , where inside this tent , each to go to er , erm , cos there was six people inside and like there was six posts , he said you each got to a post inside the tent and on the you will pick up the tent , and I new what was coming , done it before sort of thing and erm , were all in M B C stuff cos there 's still lots of gas , but there was n't for very long , and he said right on the you will , er he just said , we picked it up right , were all fucking all fucking I said go on then ,
11 The fall seemed to bring Liam to his senses and he sat up on the road wondering where he was .
12 She asked him to test her on fielding positions , and he marked out on the sand the two sets of stumps and the ten fielding positions around them .
13 He was concentrating on demolishing the last of the lime and liquorice sweets he had brought with him in his haversack from Partick , and he trod purposefully on the wet red leaves with his hiking-boots as he strode along .
14 Further that we shall petition government tor an abolition and nullifying of the foresaid Act from the records of British parliament ; that the members of parliament for this county shall present this petition , or any annexed thereto , to the two Houses of Parliament , and to the Privy Council , during the prorogation of parliament — ‘ Menzies was seething and he broke in on the last words .
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