Example sentences of "and you go [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , you say it after one go and you go up to the next go do n't you ?
2 ‘ Shift the cattle , work the horses , stick and ball , come back for lunch , an hour 's siesta , and you go out like a light I can tell you , then we play chukkas in the afternoon .
3 The you walk down one street , and you say , ‘ Well I had better get back to my bearings , or I shall lose myself and you go back to the town hall .
4 You ge you forget yourself do n't you and you go back to the two times table , we 're on threes now .
5 You know you went in and you went out with the reps and
6 I mean , it 's hard to think of an equivalent , but say you were an inhabitant of Hastings in the year 2066 and you went down to the beach one day and these longships were coming towards you and lots of people in chainmail and pointy helmets got out and said they 'd come for the Battle of Hastings and would you rustle up King Harold so they could shoot him in the eye and here was a huge wallet full of money for you to play your part .
7 And the two rounds in the morning you did the bottom half of , for the first round and you went back to the shop and you got another bag full of papers and you did the top half of , if you know it .
8 And when you wanted to buy something like a three piece suite , you went to somewhere like Bentalls and they took you into a little room , soon as you said to the man well I want to buy this on hire purchase and you went in to a little room and the man sat down and you filled in a long form .
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