Example sentences of "and at the [noun sg] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He was in the hall next morning as Maggie came downstairs , and at the sight of her he walked forward to watch her descent .
2 And at the sight of it , Clara 's spirits faintly rose , because the colour a blue-green was one which , at that age , she rather fancied .
3 ‘ Forgive me , ’ he apologised , ‘ you look younger , ’ and at the charm in him , in his voice , Fabia forgave him instantly .
4 On the right are some rocks , and at the foot of them the sheep are feeding .
5 Well , we thought he 'd gone out , but apparently he must have got to the door just as the bomb landed , and the blast blew the door backwards , er the door inwards , knocked me dad backwards and at the back of him we had a cellar , but it went through this , the cellar door and although it turned round before it went down the cellar , he finished up down there because we did n't know this til after a while that me brother wou did n't offer to go out , so I went out think , to find where me dad was you see .
6 ‘ the smoke of the innumerable tall chimneys lies over all like a poultice … houses and shops go on for ever , and at the back of them , blotting out all the rest of the world , rise great precipitous mills like frowning cliffs , at whose base are the small houses where the folks live like coneys at a mountain foot .
7 He wept for joy to hear this good news , when all his social connections ( and at the back of it all , his own father ) never gave him this recognition .
8 And at the back of his mind , knowing that Jean-Paul had never married and seemed unlikely to , knowing that he himself had met no woman he wished to make his wife , he thought : Grégoire could be my heir .
9 He hoped that at the very least she would approve of the idea , and at the back of his mind there was a fantasy in which she offered to come with him .
10 He could sense her there behind him and felt the hairs rise along his spine and at the back of his neck .
11 It looks at both the validity of the accounting procedures as such and at the faithfulness of their conclusions to reality .
12 In times of danger you said rapidly under your breath , Hail Mary hill of grace — with a great leaning breath onto the H — Holy Mary Mother of God Pray for us sinners Now and at the hour of our death Amen .
13 She chanted aloud : now and at the hour of our death amen .
14 As the kite climbs up vertically from a launch , it starts with a steep angle to the wind , and at the peak of its climb is at a shallow angle .
15 And at the heart of what Mr Stark calls ‘ the new business ethics ’ is a willingness to tackle head-on the vexed question of mixed motives .
16 A policeman and a man 's man and at the heart of it , a blunt Irish cop in New York .
17 And at the heart of it all , like a jewel in a ring , stood the house .
18 Vines caught at his feet and at the rope round his neck .
19 Boy 's was white , and furred with close dark hair from the root of his cock to the perfect black , flat fan on his chest , and at the base of his spine like I said .
20 Scottish teachers , like their counterparts south of the border , were seeking better pay and conditions ; but the Scottish dispute was also a massive protest at the rapid rate of educational change and at the way in which teachers felt they were expected to carry forward developments without adequate support .
21 But to do this , it will be necessary to take a closer look at language as a system of communication , and at the way in which it operates in non-fictional as well as fictional contexts .
22 Chapter 4 looks at how physics students and staff construct the subject ‘ physics ’ , and at the way in which this affects , and is affected by , their ideas about humanities disciplines .
23 It will also look at the implications of the presence of lower-tier organs of government , at local levels , and at the way in which representative government seems to be expected to work within them .
24 Yet everything he talked of was clear and at the tip of his tongue .
25 He moved towards her , and at the expression in his eyes , Robbie felt her heart begin thumping in an irregular crazy rhythm .
26 Dionysiac religion was a religion of initiates , , and at the centre of its worship was the mystical evocation of nature 's awesome unity , the primal unity concealed by our dismemberment into individuals , and the worshippers ' yearning for a recovery of that unity .
27 And at the centre of it was Kylie — the tough cookie refusing to crumble .
28 From these spectra , astronomers will be able to measure the conditions in gas clouds that are obscured at optical wavelengths by the ubiquitous dust — for example in regions where stars form , and at the centre of our Galaxy .
29 His black curly hair looked crisp and shiningly clean , clinging close to the classic shape of his head , longer over a high , intelligent-looking forehead , and at the nape of his neck , where it just brushed the collar of his shirt .
30 Example 3:7 Landlord 's power to break ( 1 ) The landlord shall be entitled to determine this tenancy by not less than six months ' notice in writing expiring on or after [ date ] if he intends at the expiry of such notice either : ( a ) to demolish or reconstruct the demised property or a substantial part of it or to carry out substantial work of construction on the demised property or part of it ; or ( b ) to occupy the demised property for the purposes or partly for the purposes of a business to be carried on by him ( 2 ) The service of a notice under s25 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 shall be sufficient notice and good service for the purposes of the preceding subclause Example 3:8 Tenant 's power to break on refusal of planning permission The tenant shall be entitled to determine this tenancy by not less than three nor more than six months ' notice in writing served not more than one month after the happening of any of the following events : ( 1 ) the refusal or deemed refusal by the local planning authority to renew the planning permission dated [ date ] permitting the use of the demised property for ; ( 2 ) the dismissal by the Secretary of State or an appointed person of any appeal against any such refusal ; ( 3 ) the expiry of the said planning permission Example 3:9 Tenant 's right to break preventing exercise of rights under Landlord and Tenant Act The tenant shall be entitled to determine this tenancy on … by giving not less than thirteen months ' previous notice to that effect Example 3:10 Tenant 's conditional right to break The tenant shall be entitled to determine this tenancy on … if : ( 1 ) he gives thirteen months ' written notice to that effect ; and ( 2 ) both at the date of the notice and at the date of its expiry there are neither any outstanding arrears of rent nor any subsisting breach of covenant by the tenant for which the landlord would be entitled to recover damages of more than a nominal amount
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