Example sentences of "and at the [adj] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Another angle on psychological differences between blacks and whites is given by Worthy and Markle who argue that white sportsmen do better at self-paced activities , ‘ ones in which the individual responds , when he chooses , to a relatively static or unchanging stimulus ’ , whereas blacks have an edge in reactive activities , ‘ in which the individual must respond appropriately and at the right time to changes in the stimulus situation ’ ( 1970 ) .
2 Under the Mental Health Act 1959 patients maintained on guardianship orders knew that drug treatment could be enforced and therefore appeared regularly for depot injection on the right day and at the right time without pressure or demur .
3 Advances in electronic and micro processors enabling fuel to be delivered in the right quantity and at the optimum time in the combustion process now allow an efficiency to be achieved that Dr Rudolf Diesel could never have dreamed of in 1892 .
4 Similar displacements occurred and Africans were confined to reserves in Kenya , or to tribal trust lands in Zimbabwe ( Southern Rhodesia ) and at the present time in the Bantustans by the Republic of South Africa .
5 In the words of King ( 1987 ) the potential of agroforestry is ‘ … fast becoming recognised as a system which is capable of yielding both wood and food and at the same time of conserving and rehabilitating ecosystems ’ .
6 Lesley Faragher is Britain 's top lady rodeo star yet is decidedly feminine , quiet , petite and at the same time of writing possesses the warm glow as an expectant mother .
7 Clearly much that is read provides insights into the emotional lives of others , and at the same time of ourselves .
8 Among the means of relieving patients from the monotony of an asylum and of preserving bodily health and at the same time of improving the conditions of the mind and prompting recovery , employment of some kind or other ranks highest .
9 She had spoken eloquently — and not without quoting American authors — of the opportunities facing Britain in 1988 , of Mrs Margaret Thatcher 's remarkable drive to revive the economy , and at the same time of the considerable drawing in of horns to which the University had been forced .
10 About agoraphobia and claustrophobia and the paradoxical desire to be let out into unconfined space , the wild moorland , the open ground , and at the same time to be closed into tighter and tighter impenetrable small spaces — like Emily Dickinson 's voluntary confinement , like the Sibyl 's jar .
11 For them the answer to the question of interpretation , and at the same time to the question of evaluation , is provided by the concept of structure ; good literature or poetry is distinguished from bad literature or non-literature by an objective structure of meaning , the balancing or reconciliation of opposing attitudes or terms .
12 This principle must be elaborated to provide for Israel 's security and recognition , and at the same time for legitimate Palestinian political rights . "
13 If one just casts an eye over the history of the condition of women — marked by struggles , it has continued to evolve , but at such pace that it seems that women who struggle for their liberation and at the same time for that of their societies , are undertaking a long drawn-out campaign .
14 and nature of Man — of convincing one 's nerves that the world is full of Misery and Heartbreak , Pain , Sickness and oppression — whereby this Chamber of Maiden-Thought becomes gradually darkened and at the same time on all sides of it many doors are set open — but all dark — all leading to dark passages .
15 Equally plainly , he could not before 1990 have been in an anti-Thatcherite minority in the Thatcher Cabinet and at the same time in full accord with the lady herself .
16 At the Chemical Society of London there were great debates about the status of atoms in 1867 and 1869 , with Professors at Oxford and at London Universities on opposite sides ; and at the same time in France some of the most distinguished chemists were sceptical of atoms , among them P. E. M. Berthelot , who went on to become Minister of Public Instruction in 1886 , having done distinguished work on synthesis and on calorimetry .
17 He concludes with this paragraph : If religion throughout the ages , and certainly in many parts of the world today , has been used as a weapon for destructive purposes , are we not called to demonstrate that as people of faith we can both live in passionate commitment to our respective tradition and at the same time in compassionate respect for each other and to affirm that the faith commitment of each one is only truly realized when we live in that mutual respect accordingly ?
18 Trite though it may sound , the Pacific , unlike its sister seas , is an ocean of many worlds indeed — and at the same time by being so has become the world ocean , as dominant and all-encompassing as its immensity suggests it has to be .
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