Example sentences of "and at the [adj] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They have clients who wish to sell certain products and services and their task is to enable their clients to reach as many potential customers as possible and at the lowest possible cost .
2 At one extreme we thus have historical econometrics , and at the other historical biography .
3 In addition to these nineteen separate state radio stations , there is the FRCN , with stations in Lagos , Kaduna , Ibadan , Enugu , Owerri and at the new federal capital now being built at Abuja .
4 Over the years , the VMA gradually became a students ' association and at the first general meeting of its 45th session , on 19 October 1880 , John H. Steel , the secretary and librarian , announced ‘ the Veterinary Medical Association , while having wide sympathies with its members who have become qualified practitioners , is now the Students ’ Society of the largest British Veterinary School' .
5 Willie gazed at the gentle way he fingered the udders and at the warm white liquid spurting down into a bucket underneath .
6 This group was quite influential among leading trade unionists ; and at the 1943 annual conference of the Labour Party they carried an amendment against an attempt by Stokes to reject the liability of ‘ the German people as a whole for the atrocities committed under Nazism ’ .
7 The work of both painters could be seen at Kahnweiler 's gallery in the rue Vignon and at the small private gallery run by Uhde .
8 I wrote it one late evening , sitting at my window , looking out into the rainy darkness of autumn and at the great black bulk of the cathedral :
9 Many of the world 's leading doctors have been trained here and at the neighbouring Medical School of Edinburgh University .
10 The realism of Labour 's attitude towards foreign policy was reinforced by Bevin 's insistence , both at meetings of the National Executive ( to which he was specially invited ) and at the 1945 Labour Party Conference at Blackpool that it was essential to continue with military service while Britain retained the responsibility for maintaining occupation forces in Germany and elsewhere .
11 ‘ A failure to inform a citizen in writing and at the earliest practicable moment of precisely why he is being deprived of his liberty constitutes a fundamental breach of his rights and , where that failure is never remedied , as was the case here …
12 In Clarke v. Clarke [ 1990 ] 2 F.L.R. 115 , 119 Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. said : ‘ A failure to inform a citizen in writing and at the earliest practicable moment of precisely why he is being deprived of his liberty constitutes a fundamental breach of his rights and , where that failure is never remedied [ the committal order ] can not stand . ’
13 Bombs exploded in front of the United States embassy on Sept. 26 and at the US-Chilean Cultural Institute on Dec. 28 , the latter attack being attributed to the FPMR .
14 The department is on two sites : in central Edinburgh close to the Medical and Science Faculties ; and at the nearby Veterinary Field Station with access to a large animal hospital and large animal accommodation .
15 No proposals were actually adopted but it was agreed to examine them further in working groups and at the fourth ASEAN summit due to be held in Singapore on Jan. 27-28 , 1992 .
16 He stared at the low wooden fence and the pure sward of snow yellowed by the lights , and at the low wire fence and at the high wire fence and at the high wooden fence .
17 In 1979 he won Birkenhead , succeeding Mr Edmund Dell , and at the last general election his majority was 15,372 .
18 The presentation was made by Branch Banking Division 's Deputy Managing Director , Bob McInnes , and at the same informal ceremony Donald 's wife , Ada , was given a bouquet .
19 Round about here , the network of caves under the ochreous rocks has been turned into vast champignonnières , and at the modest little Restaurant David ( no relation ) you can eat the local cultivated mushrooms cooked à la crème or à la provençale with , naturally , olive oil , parsley and garlic .
20 Three countries-Brazil , India and Japan-were initially identified in May as candidates for such retaliatory action ( see p. 36926 ) ; at a special GATT Council meeting on June 21 and at the subsequent regular meeting on June 21-22 these three all expressed the apprehension that eventual US action under this provision would undermine GATT and the Uruguay Round , whereas the USA maintained that no trade action had yet been taken and assured the Council of its continuing strong commitment to both GATT itself and to the Uruguay Round .
21 A subtle psychological barrier was crossed and at the next two evening sales , as Swiss dealer Jan Krugier says , ‘ The revival of the Impressionist market was astonishing ’ .
22 And at the next winding hole we 're turning around . ’
23 I 'm talking , Mr President , about companies who , using the mask of the recession , their very best management and at the worst blatant fraud , by going into liquidation overnight , owing millions in unpaid wages , holiday pay , redundancy pay , P A Y E , National Insurance , pension and union contributions , not to mention V A T. There are provisions , subject to limits , for payments of these outstanding debts .
24 Arising from this unresolved difficult and unsatisfactory position , Pateman 's appointment was renewed for only one further year in 1925–26 and at the reduced annual salary of £200 .
25 Experts attributed the fall to a range of short-term factors , including a usual seasonal slump ( following a period of peak consumption at Christmas and at the Chinese New Year ) combined with the Islamic holy month of Ramadan ( during which trading was traditionally subdued in Middle Eastern countries ) , selling by central banks in Eastern Europe and former Soviet republics , and the lifting of the ban on gold imports by the Indian government ( which was expected to reduce the price of gold in that country , one of the world 's major importers ) .
26 And at the Royal Military School of Music in Deal , Kent three years ago , 11 bandsmen were killed by a 20lbs Semtex bomb .
27 Courtney had worked at the Whipps Cross and Charing Cross hospitals in England , at Dublin 's University College hospital , in Saudi Arabia and at the Royal Free hospital and medical school , where he was researching a project on caesarian sections .
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