Example sentences of "and at [art] [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In this sense , and at a rather high level of abstraction , the very possibility within discourse of a historically located cultural field , marked by internally contradictory relations and hence by particularly difficult questions of causation and explanation , is part of the problematic of bourgeois society ; that is , it is internal to , and historically related to , a particular historical-social stage ( see Burke 1981 ) .
2 I was soon to realize that there was much else , and at a far deeper level , to be learnt from this man I respectfully called Mr Rocke .
3 My purpose rather is to discuss the underlying issues in general terms and at a somewhat philosophic level .
4 But his performance in the 1982–3 campaign was phenomenal , for not only was he producing winners in quantity and at a very high strike rate , he was also winning big races : before the Gold Cup , Bregawn had won the Hennessy Cognac Gold Cup at Newbury , Silver Buck the Edward Hanmer Memorial Chase at Haydock Park , Captain John the SGB Handicap Chase at Ascot , Wayward Lad the King George VI Chase and Ashley House the Peter Marsh Handicap Chase at Haydock .
5 Young children have a very real need to place themselves in time and in a wider social context , and at a very basic level they need to explore the past before they were born and to begin to share the collective human memory .
6 The second bullet was fired from close to where Doyle was lying , and at a very steep angle .
7 The NatWest Hospital Income Plan gives you real financial security when you or a member of your family are hospitalised — and at a very affordable premium .
8 It was that simple , and at a more leisurely pace would have been less of a caper and more a proper holiday .
9 In an age which has become dominated by the Gross National Product and the Dow — Jones Index , the level of interest rates and the state of the pound , the money supply and the Public Sector Deficit , and at a more mundane level , the Sunday colour supplements offering a world of gourmet food and package holidays in the sun , it is a warning which is easily muffled by our culture .
10 Many of the famous capitals , decorated by animals , biblical scenes , demons , etc. , have been removed for safety from the vibration of the bells to an upstairs museum where they can be studied at leisure and at a more accessible height .
11 ( 1982 ) , and at a more introductory level by Watts ( 1981 ) , but unfortunately these treatments focus on offshore subsidence rather than uplift inland .
12 Structures of support between mothers and daughters are subject to all the individual variations which I mentioned at the beginning of this discussion , and at a more collective level , ethnic and cultural variation is very important , with some cultural traditions placing a less strong emphasis on this bond than does white Anglo-Saxon culture .
13 These same steps can be taken again with less apprehension and at a more studied pace under the guidance of a sponsor in the Anonymous Fellowships .
14 The second is related and is a question of ideology , and at a more applied level , one of politics — whether environmental deterioration matters depends not only on proof but also on one 's view of social change and development .
15 We therefore need to explore further , and at a more detailed level , what relation can be identified , within a given cultural and institutional milieu , between technology , work organisation , and people 's experience of work .
16 Fairy stories too , and at a more sophisticated level plays like Shakespeare 's " A Midsummer Night 's Dream " , can be helpful in raising the question of whether appearances are real or imaginary .
17 But it is clear that the data collected in close investigations of live speech communities are much richer than the data preserved from early language states , and they are observable in a larger number of dimensions and at a much finer level of detail ; thus , the patterns revealed in systematic investigations of live communities appear to the observer as much more variable and multidimensional than historical patterns ( as these are usually reported ) .
18 Worse still , if the stick is being held back the aircraft may bounce off the ground into an even more nose-high attitude and at an even lower speed .
19 Her acting began by accident — and at an extraordinarily high level .
20 Over 1,000 secondary schools had been occupied since mid-December by pupils protesting at new measures to improve discipline , at the lack of funds and resources , and at the generally poor state of many schools .
21 Government regional and labour mobility policies have also proved their economic worth even though they have not been pursued vigorously and at the most appropriate periods .
22 And indeed when we ponder the relationship between DNA and proteins , we see that co-operation has been at least as significant a force in evolution as has competition , and at the most fundamental level .
23 Haughey 's own position had been called into question over the involvement of close associates in a series of financial scandals , in particular at the state telecommunications monopoly Telecom Éireann , whose chairman Michael Smurfit resigned over a property deal on Sept. 24 at Haughey 's instigation , and at the recently privatized sugar group Greencore ( formerly Irish Sugar PLC ) , whose chief executive Chris Comerford had also resigned in September amid allegations of illegal share dealings by senior executives .
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