Example sentences of "and he [vb past] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'll think about it , ’ said Vernon , and he stumped up the steps with his polishing cloth and rubbed vigorously at the lion's-head knocker of the door .
2 And the woman lost her brooch on the way back and she saw this man next morning , he was a policeman in , and he he was too fond of the drink , a and he he was on , he was a railway policeman , and he fell onto the rails , when the train was coming , nobody knows how he how he how he er he lost one arm er about there and the other one about there , both arms but he he survived it .
3 He was born in South Africa and he studied at the universities of Cape Town and Cambridge , and has taught in universities in Britain , in America , in West Africa and France and Germany .
4 There was a small knee-hole desk and he went through the drawers but found nothing more than discarded pens , broken pencils , old catalogues , a quantity of scrap paper , and an assortment of pins and clips .
5 and he went into the toilets and there was a lot of coloured men there , Do you want to buy some dope ?
6 There was no sound from behind now , and he leant against the bannisters for a moment , his upper body swaying over them , and his stomach began to heave .
7 There was a wide area where the passage broadened out and he lingered by the steps until the raincoat came in sight .
8 The concrete was cold to his bottom , and he stared at the stairs down which Bunty had fallen , his throat and his face and his eyes seeming to swell up in a great hot surge of grief .
9 After we went through the second door , Buff stood without moving and he looked at the trees and did n't say anything .
10 And something else ; something he saw as the curtain tore away and he looked into the depths of the unbelievable face above him , fractionally dulled his reflexes .
11 Mrs Knight 's neighbour joined her and he left without the drawers .
12 He was regularly attending to the pumps on Sundays for which he was paid 1/ the " stem " , or day , and he assisted in the workings by wheelbarrowing and other miscellaneous jobs .
13 And he added to the problems confronting new Welsh Secretary John Redwood by referring to Wales as one of the ‘ isolated fortresses ’ held by the Tory Right in the Government .
14 So she beckoned to Baptiste and he crept up the stairs after her , his shoes in his hand .
15 Socially , he was at the top of the ladder and he lived to the limits of his wealth .
16 The Abbey was founded by David I in 1178 and he granted to the Canons the right to establish their own Burgh of Canongate between the Abbey and the royal burgh of Edinburgh .
17 He had known it would not satisfy them , and he waited for the rumbles to grow before he said : ‘ Very well .
18 ‘ Night , ’ he said again and he disappeared down the steps , closing the trap-door after him .
19 And he said from the looks of it there must have been you know sort of dead , whatever it was , and there was a couple of fingers and a couple of toes , right ?
20 ‘ Oh , no , ’ he said , ‘ no need for that , ’ and he bounded up the stairs .
21 ‘ Michael ran a cab and he worked for the bookies on the side .
22 There are yours , ’ and he pointed at the papers and my escape equipment on the table .
23 Scripts , ’ and he pointed to the lines .
24 The gist of the words were , you 're under arrest for harbouring an escapee and he replied along the lines of you 've got ta be joking mate .
25 He was n't saying much ; mostly ‘ yessir ’ and ‘ certainly ’ and he ended with the words ‘ Very well , Mr Prior ’ and hung up .
26 Eventually the photographer 's indignation was assuaged , and he parted with the prints .
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