Example sentences of "and you [verb] [adv prt] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Okay , so there you are you see , you 're , you 're a first aider and you come up to the person and you hold it the way you did last time and you think ah , now that 's the wrong way round of course , there 's my elbow point , there 's my injured elbow , so I have to be that way round , mm , so you turn it round the other way , right , your elbow shape goes to the injured elbow and your long line goes straight up and down the line of the body , you arrange it so that you only just covering the forearm there , with just enough above the hand to tie your reef knot that would be too little and that would be too much just enough above the hands to tie your reef knot , the first thing you do is to tuck nice , big bit of material right under the hand and anchor it into position , just keep that resting there and all the rest of this goes under the arm up between the shoulder blades there and you tie your first half of the reef knot just above the fingers in the hollow of the neck here , now that 's important because round the back here if you press on that bit of muscle there , there 's a big band of muscle , if you 've got a knot on that it gives a great deal of discomfort very quickly so you want to get the knots round in the hollow here that does n't hurt your casualty , there , draw it up half the knot , is that tight enough ?
2 Then coming on to the end of Street next door was a milliners , now that nobody knows what they are today Miss the name was and then coming across Street to the other side was which was a drapers , and next coming down was Smiths the butcher 's shop , and next to that was the grocers , following on down there was the ironmonger , then there was the newspaper , and you come down to the White Hart erm then we come to the White Hart
3 Yeah , you say it after one go and you go up to the next go do n't you ?
4 The you walk down one street , and you say , ‘ Well I had better get back to my bearings , or I shall lose myself and you go back to the town hall .
5 You ge you forget yourself do n't you and you go back to the two times table , we 're on threes now .
6 So you get in , and you walk in to a row .
7 I mean , it 's hard to think of an equivalent , but say you were an inhabitant of Hastings in the year 2066 and you went down to the beach one day and these longships were coming towards you and lots of people in chainmail and pointy helmets got out and said they 'd come for the Battle of Hastings and would you rustle up King Harold so they could shoot him in the eye and here was a huge wallet full of money for you to play your part .
8 And the two rounds in the morning you did the bottom half of , for the first round and you went back to the shop and you got another bag full of papers and you did the top half of , if you know it .
9 And when you wanted to buy something like a three piece suite , you went to somewhere like Bentalls and they took you into a little room , soon as you said to the man well I want to buy this on hire purchase and you went in to a little room and the man sat down and you filled in a long form .
10 Step up the stairway into the Hotel Royal and you step up to a modestly furnished property , decorated in a modern style .
11 and you dive down to the post box and pushes it in .
12 And when there 's four of you playing i and you get down to the last two or three card .
13 On the last point that Les makes , I want to ensure him about this ; that when Horton run that boat business , that was a water-based business , it ran on the basis there were floats in the river and you stepped on to the float and you got onto a boat .
14 Then they move up to take the Cross , and you drop back to the end of the file .
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