Example sentences of "and it was [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Since then we have published the timetable for the amalgamation of regiments , and it was to that fact that my right hon. Friends were perfectly fairly drawing attention .
2 Yet it emphasizes the close personal bonds which had existed between the dukes of Aquitaine and their vassals : the Pommiers were an ancient family , members of the ducal household , and it was to this kind of traditional relationship that appeal could be made by a largely absentee king-duke at periods of crisis .
3 And it was to this man that almost everyone now turned as the rather quiet , rather cultured , rather interesting , wholly English voice began to speak :
4 He was a funeral ‘ director ’ rather than a furnisher , and it was to this practice that a number of top-rank funeral furnishers working in London looked — Ballard , Dowbiggin & Holland , J.D. Field , A. France & Son , J. Kenyon , Leverton 's and John Nodes — though they were never quite to match his mastery .
5 It finishes tomorrow and it was for fifteen days .
6 They are admittedly themselves valueless and are thrown away and it was for that reason , no doubt , that Upjohn J. was constrained to say that their value lay in the evidence they afforded of success in an advertising campaign .
7 This is very clever of Brutus , saying that he loved Caesar more than anybody , and it was for this love that he killed him , to prevent him from the trouble brewing ahead for him .
8 What he wanted to do was to publicize erm the whole issue , and it was for this purpose that he joined in these campaigns .
9 I am unaware of any biography in print , and it was for this reason that I wrote this brief account of the life of a truly great man of God .
10 Our policy has been to try to build up a great team and not to weaken our playing strength , and it was for this reason that we accepted the offer made .
11 Councillors had an understandable reluctance to commit themselves to a political course which would deprive them of access to patronage , and it was for this reason that it was necessary for politicians to provide demonstrations of power .
12 For Sartre ‘ human history ’ was identified with the history of the West , and it was for this reason that Lévi-Strauss contested Sartre 's claim to have established the human foundation of ‘ a structural , historical anthropology ’ for Marxism .
13 The official line was that ‘ true character of French concessions to Indo-Chinese nationalism and ultimate intentions are clear to Department ’ and it was for this reason that no further substantive concessions involving parliamentary action in France were called for at that time .
14 If anything should happen to him , there could well be a collapse in Indo-China and it was for this reason that Collins recommended that the US should continue to extend military and economic aid ‘ in order to check the spread of communism in South-East Asia ’ — but only as long as de Lattre was in Indo-China .
15 The coypu-control man must have come on a weekday , though , and it was with that hangover that Adam associated his coming .
16 It was Willans who advised Rolt 's parents to apprentice him as a mechanical engineer , and it was with great enthusiasm that in 1926 the boy left Cheltenham College , which had been a miserable experience for him , to serve as a pupil at Bomfords , an agricultural engineering firm at Pitchill near Evesham .
17 Naturally , when I made this suggestion to St John and his sisters , they protested strongly , and it was with great difficulty that I finally managed to convince them of my firm intention to carry out this plan .
18 As you can see , sir , this lady is quite a redoubtable lady and it was with great difficulty that we persuaded her to await the outcome of this enquiry before insisting on seeing you personally , sir . ’
19 Bowls of pot pourri scented the air , and the high ceilings gave a feeling of space and light The en suite bathroom was white marble with a luxuriously deep bath and lots of goodies to pamper yourself and it was with great effort that we dressed again for dinner , leaving our soft bathrooms and preening behind .
20 However that was where the comeback ended and it was with much relief that Parrott eventually clinched victory , taking the 15th frame 64-11 .
21 However that was where the comeback ended and it was with much relief that Parrott eventually clinched victory , taking the 15th frame 64-11 .
22 By then every muscle ached , and it was with deep gratitude that they turned at last to drag their feet towards the house .
23 Many passengers transferred from the Sophocles , I amongst them , and after much anxiety the Nestor actually sailed and it was with happy hearts that we saw Table Mountain gradually disappearing behind the horizon .
24 And it was with this development that the company expanded internationally ; it prompted Harlequin , a Canadian based publishing house to approach Mills and Boon for the North American rights to some of their titles .
25 Market research had suggested that there was a role for viewdata in education and it was with this project that Solihull Sixth Form College ( SSFC ) became involved .
26 Like Terry Venables calling for a pre-match arsenic , the old trouper knows that the best way to disarm your critics is to make ‘ em laugh , but the joke has been wearing a bit thin , and it was with some relief that he swopped his sheepish smile for a satisfied one .
27 Benny said she did n't want anyone they did n't know , and it was with some relief that they heard the niece Clodagh did n't want to go amongst strangers either .
28 A woman 's number was at the bottom of the Time Out piece and it was with some feelings of fear that I decided to ring it , not knowing who or what I would find .
29 It was then that she and Madeleine saw each other : and it was at that instant that their military training served them well .
30 I felt wonderful , and it was at that moment that I realised that if I started taking my athletics seriously , if I started training properly , if I started listening to Ron , then maybe I could do something in the sport .
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