Example sentences of "and in [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Those who were not hard pressed and in no immediate danger of running at a considerable loss might have no strong incentive to vote in favour of a course which threatened them with heavy losses in the immediate future .
2 This was due to many reasons but , in my view , mainly to the excellent field rank officers — the flight and squadron commanders — and in no small degree to the basic training of aircrews , and the support of the Empire Air Training Schools in Canada and Rhodesia .
3 It assumes that the rationale of obedience is in all the intricate facts of social organisation and in no one group of facts .
4 Before I went through the door , I looked back — at all the life that existed only here in the Star Zoo , and in no other place in all the Galaxy !
5 Though his contact with Mary had been brief , formal and in no public way at all suggestive , disgust at the thought of Miss Skelton and her world suddenly and urgently spilled into his mind and he excused himself rather roughly — so abruptly , in fact , that a careful inquest was held among the company to uncover what possible offence he might have taken .
6 Alice then , all clean and brushed , and in a nice blouse with the small pink flowers and the neat round collar , walked out of the house and went next door , to No. 45 , as though she had been planning to do this all day .
7 A new law introducing more stringent measures against racism and anti-Semitism was approved by the National Assembly in a first reading on May 3 , 1990 , and in a final reading on June 30 ( it was not considered by the Senate , which saw no need for textual revisions ) .
8 Gradually the downward thrust of his naked loins became more urgent and uncontrolled , and in a final moment of spasm , his features spread and widened suddenly into a flattened mask .
9 The overwhelming popular approval of the Constitution was accepted as a de facto election of Aquino as President , and in a general election on May 11 , 1987 , candidates endorsed by the President won a decisive majority in the new Congress [ see pp. 35321-22 ] .
10 Attempt this in a gentle turn as well , and in a gentle turn with a little too much rudder .
11 Woods and Rawlings ( 1989 ) also point out that genetic engineering has considerable application in this field by developing improved strains of the relevant bacteria which are more efficient , can operate on a wider variety of substrates and in a wider variety of environmental conditions .
12 The measures to fulfil these three aims came in two main batches : in the frantic activity of the " First Hundred Days " from March to June 1933 , and in a second burst of legislation in 1935 .
13 He confronted savages on tropical shores , quelled mutinies on the high seas , and in a small boat upon the ocean kept up the hearts of despairing men .
14 As his eyes fell on the crucifix he realized that he 'd always loathed it , and in a small gesture of defiance he lifted it off its hook and set it down on top of the filing cabinet .
15 Lenin became more and more preoccupied with the question of national liberation , and in a tireless stream of speeches , letters , articles and pamphlets , sought to clarify the right approach to the nationalism of Russia 's minorities .
16 I was led into all these commitments in a very friendly and deferential spirit , and in a similar spirit of friendship and hospitality I was invited to numerous social engagements , from impressive lunch in honour of the Minister of Education to an invitation to a private home in Jaipur , where my kind host and hostess had gone to the trouble of preparing sandwiches , cake , chips ( without the fish ) and pudding , in case I should not like the Indian dishes served for the other guests !
17 Make sure you weigh yourself daily , preferably at a similar time each day and in a similar state of dress or undress .
18 or The final example , uses the AND in a similar fashion to the numeric operators ( + , - , etc ) .
19 In Britain the impact of prehistoric man has been considered by physical geographers and in a thematic issue of the Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers devoted to this research ( Curtis and Simmons , 1976 , p. 257 ) it was explained that :
20 I met Paul Fabian a few days later — a small , bird-like man , quite bald , dressed in a white safari suit and a Panama , and in a perpetual state of fuss about ‘ sending telegrams to London ’ .
21 Oxford Placement Tests have proved effective with all students from elementary level up to post-Proficiency and in a wide range of institutions .
22 By northern analysis of poly(A) + F9 EC RNA , the DP-1 transcript was estimated as 2.8 kilobases ( kb ) ( data not shown ) ; it is expressed in many different cell types and in a wide range of tissues during murine embryogenesis ( J.F.P. , P. Tassios and N.B.L.T , manuscript in preparation ) .
23 Use of ICI 's ‘ Cereclor ’ chlorinated paraffins rose rapidly throughout the 1960s and 1970s in cables , footwear , vinyl wall coverings , flooring and in a wide range of domestic articles .
24 in social well-being , and in a juster distribution of the fruits of Labour .
25 If you have planned and carried out your strategy of study over the earlier laps , like the 5000-metre runner , you should be on the inside lane and in a good position at the bell for the last lap .
26 Even the poorest of communities have down through the years made great sacrifices to ensure that the ‘ House of God ’ has been kept neat , tidy and in a good state of repair .
27 The Governors will require that the School Buildings and premises connected therewith be kept up and in a good state of repair .
28 However , it is important to observe that in many symphonics and in a good deal of chamber music a different situation prevails .
29 The mutually rewarding relationship enjoyed with all areas of industry , commerce and professional life is reflected in research and consultancy assignments and commissions and in a successful series of part-time , post-experience and short course programmes for business owners and senior executives in both the private and public sectors .
30 ON THE flight back to England , Alice Maynard found herself restless , and in a curious state of mind generally .
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